참고: 잎이 4윤생하는 갈퀴덩굴속 식물 비교표(민둥갈퀴 1)
학명 : Galium paradoxum Maxim.
분류 : 꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae)
사진: 2018.07.06 백두산 지하산림
Galium 속 중 다른 종들과 달리 엽병이 있는 것과
주맥만 있지 않고 측맥도 있는 것이 특징이다
아래 : 2022.07.02 가평 적목리 무주채폭포
잎은 4장이다(그 중 2개는 탁엽). 엽병이 있는 것이 다른 분류군과 구분되는 중요한 특징이다
잎 표면과 엽연에 털이 있다
희미하게 측맥이 보인다
보통 잎은 1맥으로 분류하지만 엄격히보면 주맥 1개에 측맥이 있다.
single principal vein with 2-4 pairs of pinnate lateral veins
<국가생물종지식정보시스템> 서령
잎은 밑에서 대생하며 중앙부에서부터는 4장씩 윤생하고 난형이며 끝이 뾰족하고 밑은 둥글거나 좁으며 길이는 1-4cm, 폭 1-2cm로서 가장자리와 표면의 가장자리 근처에 위를 향한 짧은 털이 있고 엽병은 길이 1-4cm이다.
열매는 2개씩 합쳐지고 분과는 둥글며 긴 갈고리같은 털이 밀생한다.
꽃은 6-7월에 피며 백색이고 가지 끝이나 엽액에 성긴 취산화서로 달리며 화경이 있고 소화경은 꽃이 진 다음 자라서 길이 6-7mm로 되며 옆으로 벌어진다. 화관은 4갈래이다.
높이 10-25cm이고 마르면 짙은 녹색으로 되며 가지는 거의 갈라지지 않고 가시가 없다.
가늘고 긴 지하경이 뻗는다.
전국 각지에 분포한다.
높이 10-25cm 정도로 자란다.
깊은 산의 나무 그늘에 자란다
FOC 설명
Galium paradoxum Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 19: 281. 1874.
林猪殃殃 lin zhu yang yang
Herbs, perennial, ascending from filiform rhizomes. Stems erect, slender, 4-25 cm tall, 4-angled and narrowly winged, glabrous and smooth, only nodes slightly shortly hairy. Middle stem leaves opposite and with 2 leaflike but clearly smaller stipules in whorls of 4, at lower nodes stipules linear, 1.5-3 mm; petiole 1.5-10 mm; leaf blade membranous, suborbicular, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate, or elliptic-oblong, (5-)6-30(-40) × (3.5-)5-15(-23) mm, adaxially with scattered, ± appressed, short hairs, abaxially glabrescent, base attenuate, obtuse to truncate, margins antrorsely hispidulous-ciliolate, apex acute to rounded; single principal vein with 2-4 pairs of pinnate lateral veins. Inflorescences terminal and in axils of upper leaves with 3-11-flowered cymes; axes trichotomous and ± divaricate; bracts narrowly elliptic or ligulate, 0.8-3 mm; pedicels 1-3 mm. Ovary ovoid, ca. 0.5 mm, with undeveloped uncinate hairs. Corolla white, rotate, 2.5-3 mm in diam., lobed for 1/2-2/3; lobes ovate, obtuse, subapiculate to acute or acuminate. Mericarps ovoid, 1-2 mm, densely covered with uncinate yellowish brown trichomes 0.8-1 mm, on pedicels thickening and elongating up to 11 mm. Fl. May-Aug, fr. Jun-Sep.
Forests, meadows, near water, on shady (sub)alpine rocks; 1200-4000 m. Anhui, Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jilin, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, India, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Russia].
Galium paradoxum is a rather unusual species of the genus because of its broad, petiolate, and pinnately nerved opposite leaves, forming whorls of 4 with 2 smaller leaflike stipules. Therefore, it can be confused with other genera, in particular Kelloggia, which differs by its calyx teeth and its never-leaflike stipules. Because of its isolated position, G. paradoxum was made the type species of G. sect. Cymogalia and placed into a monotypic series, G. ser. Paradoxa (see Pobedimova et al., Fl. URSS 23: 326. 1958). As shown by Ehrendorfer et al. (Fl. Iranica 176: 232. 2005) and unpublished DNA analyses, it is only distantly related to G. kamtschaticum, G. rotundifolium, and G. elegans in G. sect. Platygalium s.l. or to members of G. sect. Hylaea, as G. hoffmeisteri.
Schönbeck-Temesy and Ehrendorfer (in Tan et al., Davis & Hedge Festschrift, 111-114. 1989) commented on the morphological variation and biogeography of Galium paradoxum and recognized three subspecies, of which subsp. paradoxum and subsp. duthiei occur in China as keyed out and described below. The third, G. paradoxum subsp. franchetianum Ehrendorfer & Schönbeck-Temesy, is restricted to Japan and can be recognized by its relatively larger leaves with relatively short trichomes and often acute apices, and by its relatively large flowers. A survey of many new collections now available from the herbaria PE, KUN, MO, and WU shows that ranges of variation in all differential features used overlap and that many intermediates occur. With respect to the two Chinese taxa one can suspect not only an allopatric but also an altitudinal differentiation pattern.
종하분류군 검색표
1 Leaves usually lanceolate-ovate, (10-)12-30(-40) × (5-)7-15(-23) mm; corolla lobes obtuse to subapiculate. 39a subsp. paradoxum
+ Leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular, (5-)6-10(-17) × (3.5-)4-7(-10) mm; corolla lobes acute to acuminate. 39b subsp. duthiei
FOC 세밀화