

대효0617 2018. 9. 18. 10:11



잎이 4윤생하는 Galium 속 식물들 비교




사진 참조 사이트



학명: Galium boreale L. var. boreale

분류: 꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae)

학명 풀이:

Galium:From the Greek gala, milk; referring to certain species used to curdle milk

boreale: 북쪽의, 북풍의



사진: 2018.06.27  버거툰과 자란툰


























중부 이북에 나며 아시아, 유럽, 아메리카에 분포한다.






높이는 20~60cm이다.

잎은 4개씩 돌려나기하고 장 타원상 피침형 또는 좁은 피침형으로 길이 1~3.5cm, 나비 2~10mm이며 끝은 둔하고 3 또는 5맥이 있으며 엽병은 짧다.

꽃은 67월에 백색으로 피고 취산꽃차례는 가지 끝에 모여서 산방상으로 되며 화경과 꽃자루는 굵고 마디부분을 제외하고는 털이 거의 없다. 포는 마주나기하고 화관열편은 장 타원상 피침형이다.


과실은 분과로 구형이며 센털이 밀생한다.


줄기는 곧추서고 네모지며 가지가 짧고 모여나기한다.


자생지 확인이 필요하다.






Galium boreale Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 108. 1753.

北方拉拉藤 bei fang la la teng


Herbs, perennial, erect, 20-65 cm tall. Stems 4-angled, usuually glabrous, rarely shortly hairy, hispidulous at nodes, angles thickened. Leaves in whorls of 4, sessile or subsessile; blade drying papery or thinly leathery, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate to ovate, (10-)15-40(-80) × (1-)3-15 mm, glabrous or sparsely puberulent to hispidulous and/or pilose, abaxially never with striate to punctate glandular idioblasts, base cuneate to subrounded, margins usually revolute and antrorsely scaberulous to hispidulous, apex acute or usually narrowly tapered then obtuse to rounded at very tip; principal veins palmate, 3. Inflorescences terminal, elongate or broadly paniculiform, 2-15 cm, with several- to many-flowered cymes in axils of uppermost leaves and terminal; peduncles glabrous or puberulent at nodes, smooth or scaberulous; bracts ligulate, lanceolate, or elliptic, 1-4 mm; pedicels 0.5-2 mm elongating in fruit to 3.5 mm. Ovary subglobose, 0.8-1 mm, glabrous or sparsely to densely strigillose to pilosulous. Corolla white or pale yellow, rotate, 3-4 mm in diam., glabrescent, lobed for 3/4 or more; lobes 4, ovate-lanceolate, acute. Mericarps subglobose, 1-2 mm, pericarp firmly attached but sometimes ± inflated, glabrous or ± densely hairy with ± appressed, ascending, or spreading, straight or curved, but hardly truly uncinate trichomes 0.3-0.5 mm. Fl. May-Aug(-Sep), fr. (May-)Jun-Oct.


Open forests and thickets, mountain slopes, grasslands, meadows, open fields, ditch sides, river valleys and beaches, swamps, farmland sides, wastelands; 200-4600 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, India, Japan, Kashmir, Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia; SW Asia (Armenia, Iran), Europe, North America].


The name Galium boreale, as used here in a wide sense, corresponds to a widespread and polymorphic, still insufficiently studied N Hemisphere polyploid complex (Ehrendorfer et al., Fl. Iranica 176: 179-181. 2005) within G. sect. Platygalium s.l. In China, another species of this section with much smaller flowers, G. kinuta, can be separated from this G. boreale aggregate only with difficulties, because the two are linked by intermediate (and possibly hybrid) populations (see under G. kinuta).

Within the Galium boreale aggregate and the flora of China, W. C. Chen (in FRPS 71(2): 260-263, 285. 1999) recognized only G. boreale Linnaeus s.l. with numerous infraspecific taxa and G. turkestanicum, whereas 11 species in three series were listed for the flora of the former Soviet Union by Pobedimova et al. (Fl. URSS 23: 345-354. 1958). From these only G. turkestanicum is fully accepted here (G. ussuriense and G. rubioides are cited as synonyms under G. boreale var. lanceolatum and G. boreale var. rubioides). Furthermore, and according to Pobedimova et al. (loc. cit.), G. amblyophyllum Schrenk, G. amurense Pobedimova, and G. septentrionale Roemer & Schultes can be expected to occur in China. With the exception of the briefly mentioned G. septentrionale, they were not considered by W. C. Chen in FRPS and are only mentioned here. As a competent treatment of the G. boreale aggregate is not yet possible, we follow the schematic taxonomic differentiation proposed by Cufodontis (Oesterr. Bot. Z. 89: 225-228. 1940) and accepted by W. C. Chen (loc. cit.). This scheme defines numerous varieties according to leaf shape and the density, type, and distribution of indumentum on leaves, ovaries, and fruit. These varieties form a morphologically ± continuous series, linking the extremes: G. boreale var. rubioides with large ovate leaves and a broadly paniculate inflorescence and G. boreale var. intermedium with much smaller lanceolate leaves and an elongated narrow inflorescence. The following key and short descriptions are presented here for reference, to facilitate comparison, and to stimulate future studies.


종하분류군 검색표


1 Ovary and fruit glabrous (2)

+ Ovary and fruit ± hairy (5)


2 (1) Leaf blade pilose or scabrous abaxially at least along veins (3)

+ Leaf blade glabrous abaxially (4)


3 (2) Leaf blade linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate. 7h var. lancilimbum

+ Leaf blade ovate-lanceolate or ovate. 7k var. rubioides


4 (2) Leaf blade linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate. 7d var. hyssopifolium

+ Leaf blade broadly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. 7g var. lanceolatum


5 (1) Ovary and fruit sparsely hirtellous or scabrous (6)

+ Ovary and fruit densely hirsute or tomentose (7)


6 (5) Leaf blade linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate. 7e var. intermedium

+ Leaf blade broadly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. 7j var. pseudorubioides


7 (5) Leaf blade sparsely pubescent or scabrous at least along veins abaxially (8)

+ Leaf blade glabrous abaxially (9)


8 (7) Leaf blade linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate. 7c var. ciliatum

+ Leaf blade broadly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. 7f var. kamtschaticum


9 (7) Leaf blade less than 4 mm wide. 7b var. boreale

+ Leaf blade 4-15 mm wide (10)


10 (9) Leaf blade 4-6 mm wide. 7a var. angustifolium

+ Leaf blade wider than 6 mm. 7i var. latifolium






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