
Bulbophyllum falcatum

대효0617 2021. 4. 10. 12:34

학명 : Bulbophyllum falcatum (Lindl.) Rchb.f.

분류 : Orchidaceae


학명 풀이 :

Bulbophyllum : From the Greek bolbos (bulb) and phyllon (leaf), referring tot he leaves habit of growing from a pseudo-bulb

* Bulbophyllum은 콩짜개란(Bulbophyllum drymoglossum Maxim. ex Okub. )속이다.

falcatum : 낫 모양의(sickle-shaped)


원산지: 열대 아프리카


사진: 2021.04.07 서울식물원





영어 위키 설명


Bulbophyllum falcatum is a species of plant in the family Orchidaceae endemic to tropical Africa from Sierra Leone up to the Congo and western Uganda. It is a member of the section Megaclinium. It has rachis shaped like a wing that are about 10 cm long and 810 mm thick. On each side of the rachis are a row of flowers with 10-15 flowers per row. The sepals of the flowers are a dark red and the petals are extremely small and resemble a thread. Of the floral parts the dorsal sepal is the biggest being 89 mm long and visually the most prominent part of the flower. Towards the end of the dorsal sepal there is a yellow thicker area.




퍼온 사진







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