
Anemone coronaria (속칭 아네모네)

대효0617 2021. 4. 17. 21:45

학명 : Anemone coronaria L.

분류 : Ranunculaceae

영명 : Poppy anemone

일어명 : ボタンイチゲ牡丹一華, ハナイチゲ花一華, アネモネ

국내 유통명: 아네모네

* 국내에서는 보통 '아네모네'로 유통되나 Anemone는 속명으로 전세게적으로는 118종(학자에 따라서는 200종)이 있고 우리나라에서만도 자생종으로 국표식에 13종(바람꽃, 꿩의바람꽃 등)이 등재되어 있다. 따라서 정확히 부르자면 Anemone coronaria이다. 꽃이 양귀비 꽃을 닮은 것이 특징이어 영어권에서는 Poppy anemone로 부른다



사진: 2021.04.13 인천대공원




아래 : 2020.05.28 평강식물원




영어 위키 설명


Anemone coronaria, the poppy anemone, Spanish marigold, or windflower, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Anemone, native to the Mediterranean region.



Anemone coronaria is a herbaceous perennial tuberous plant growing to 2040 cm tall, rarely to 60 cm (0.751.50 feet), spreading to 1523 cm (0.50 to 0.75 feet), with a basal rosette of a few leaves, the leaves with three leaflets, each leaflet deeply lobed. The flowers which bloom from April to June are borne singly on a tall stem with a whorl of small leaves just below the flower; the flower is 38 cm diameter, with 58 red (but may be white or blue) showy petal-like tepals and a black centre. The pollen is dry, has an unsculpted exine (외피. 외벽), is less than 40 nm in diameter, and is usually deposited within 1.5 m of its source. This central mound consists of tightly packed pistils in the centre, with a crown-like ring of stamens surrounding this, which gives the species its name. The flowers produce 200300 seeds. The plants form hard black tubers as storage organs.

Aside from its flowers resembling poppies, the red single wild form flowers resemble the flowers of the red single wild form of Ranunculus asiaticus.



Within the genus Anemone, A. coronaria is placed within subgenus Anemone, section Anemone, subsection Anemone and is one of five species making up series Anemone, together with A. hortensis L., A. palmata L., A. pavonina Lam. and A. somaliensis Hepper. Within the series A. coronaria is sister to A. somaliensis. This series is a clade of Mediterranean tuberous anemones. It is also the type species for the subgenus.





Distribution and habitat

Eastern Mediterranean littoral, from Greece, Albania, southern Turkey and Syria to Israel with sporadic extension east to northern Iraq and west along the Mediterranean shores of Italy, southern France and North Africa. Anemone coronaria grows wild all over the regions of Syria and Palestine.

Red carpet of flowers in Shokeda Forest, Israel, 2012. The vast red carpets of anemones have become a major tourist attraction of the northern Negev region of Israel in recent years



In the wild, A. coronaria is winter flowering and cross pollinated by bees, flies and beetles, which can carry pollen over long distances.






Modern cultivars have very large flowers, with diameters of 810 cm and a wide range of bright and pastel colours, in addition to two toned varieties. The centre is usually black, but may be pale green in white varieties. Stems may be as tall as 4050 cm, and each plant may produce 1315 blooms.

Numerous cultivars have been selected and named, the most popular including the De Caen (single) and St Brigid (semi-double and double) groups of cultivars. The De Caen group are hybrids cultivated in the districts of Caen and Bayeux in France in the 18th century, and include 'Bicolor' (red with white), 'Blue Poppy' (blue), 'Mr Fokker' (purple), 'Sylphide' (deep pink) and 'The Bride' (white). Referred to as poppy anemones because they closely resemble the true poppy (Papaveroideae). St. Brigid cultivars originated in Ireland, and named after that county's saint, they include 'Lord Lieutenant' (purple blue) and 'The Governor' (red). In addition to these large groups, there are two minor groups, Rissoana which is very rustic and early blooming (November) and Grassensis with large double flowers that bloom in the spring.






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