인디카에 문의했더니 황소님이 푸른주름무당버섯 같다고 하셨다. 나는 흰우단버섯으로 추정하고 있었는데 .
두 종의 차이를 알 수 없다.
학명 : Russula delica Fr.
분류 : 무당버섯목(Russulales)/ 무당버섯과(Russulaceae)/ 무당버섯속(Russula)
사진 : 2021.07.29 동구릉
<새로운 한국의 버섯> 설명
발생 시기 : 여름 -가을
생태: 활엽수림, 혼합림 내, 주로 너도밤나무 아래의 땅 위에군생
형태: 갓은 지름 8-12cm, 반구형에서 중앙오목편평형-깔때기형이 된다. 갓 표면은 어릴 때에는 백색이나 차츰 담황갈색을 띠고, 가장자리는 굽은형이다. 조직은 백색이다. 주름살은 내린형, 약간 빽빽하거나 빽빽하고, 백색이다. 대는 2-5 X 1.5-3cm, 기부가 가늘며, 표면은 백색-담황갈색이다. 종종 꼭대기 부근은 담청록색을 띤다. 포자는 8.3-11.2 X 7.7-9.7㎛, 유구형, 표면은 돌기가 있는 망목상이고, 포자문은 백색이다.
이용과 효능: 식용 가능. 독버섯인 흰무당버섯아재비와 모양이 유사하므로 주의해야 한다.
Russula delica Identification
Cap 5-15 cm, initially hemispheric, then convex, bun(빵의 일종) liken umbilicate(배꼽 모양), finally flattened, depressed up to crateriform or funnel-shaped; margin initially inrolled for a long time, then straight, thin, undulated, lobed, not grooved; dry surface, rugged, opaque, also little felted, initially white, then with ochre or brownish dots, almost completely covered by mold and leaves which it traps when it comes out from the soil in the growth. Hymenium Moderately spaced gills, adnate or just decurrent, wide, thick, rigid, and frail in the meantime, rather uneven, inconstantly forked, intercalated(삽입하디) by variously long lamellulae; whitish, cream, rust-spotted, concolorous, entire, edge.
Stem 2,5-5 x 1,5-3,5 cm, cylindroid, short and stocky, expanded from bottom to top, compact, hard, full, then spongy; the surface is rather pruinose, rugged, white, then with brownish spots.
Flesh Thick, compact, frail, from compact to spongy, and often wormy in the stem; white, tend to become brown when cut. The smell of fish, of salt or fruit, tending to have one prevailing on the other; mild taste on the flesh, somewhat spicy on the gills.
Habitat It grows in small groups, from spring to late autumn, in latifolious woods as well as in the conifer ones, in calcareous and dry soils.
Edibility Mediocre edible is not appreciated due to the poor supply of flavor. We feel obliged to express our personal opinion on the gastronomic value of this fungus, even if we know that it is much sought for and eaten in some zones; however, we realize that this belongs to a gastronomic and cultural tradition worthy of attention.
Source: https://ultimate-mushroom.com/edible/233-russula-delica.htm
Russula delica: The Ultimate Mushroom Guide (ultimate-mushroom.com)
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