

대효0617 2021. 8. 3. 14:08


학명 : Hortiboletus rubellus (Krombh.) Simonini(신분류) / Boletus fraternus Peck (구분류-새로운 한국의 버섯)

학명 이명 : Boletus caribaeus, Boletus fraternus, Boletus rubellus,

분류 : 그물버섯목(Boletales)/ 그물버섯과(Boletaceae)/ Hortiboletus






사진: 2021.07.29 동구릉



첫째, 셋째 사진을 보면 갓 밑면이 황색으로 추정되는데 나머지 사진의 갓 밑면은 거의 백색에 가깝다. 사진 색이 제대로 나오지 않아 그런가 싶다. 밑면 색깔 외에는 모두 붉은그물버섯 기재 사항과 일치한다. 


아래 : 2021.08.05 동구릉




새로운 한국의 버섯 설명


발생 시기: 여름-가을

생태: 활엽수림, 잔디밭, 공원 등의 땅 위에 단생-군생

형태: 갓은 지름 3-7cm, 반구형에서 편평형이 된다. 갓 표면은 선적색-적갈색, 벨벳상이며, 건조할 때 표피는 미세하게 갈라지고, 그 사이로 담황색 조직이 보인다. 조직은 황색이나 상처가 나면 청색으로 변한다., 관공은 끝붙은형-홈형, 황색이나 상처가 나면 청색으로 변한다. 관공은 끝붙은형-홈형, 황색이나 상처가 나면 녹청색으로 변하며, 관공구는 크고 다각형이다. 대는 2-6 X 0.6-1cm, 표면은 황색 바탕에 적색의 세로 섬유상 선이 있다. 포자는 10-12.5 X 4.5-6㎛, 장방추형, 표면은 평활하고, 포자문은 황록갈색이다

이용과 효능: 식용 버섯으로 , 달콤한 향이 있다



영어 위키 설명


Hortiboletus rubellus, commonly known as the ruby bolete, is a small, dainty, brightly coloured member of the family Boletaceae, with a reddish cap and stipe, and yellow pores. Like many boletes, it stains blue when cut or bruised. It is found in deciduous woodland in autumn. There is some question over its edibility, and it is reportedly of poor quality with a taste of soap. Until 2015, the species was known as Boletus rubellus.



Boletus rubellus was one of the pored basidiomycetes to be placed in the genus Xerocomus in the past, and is still regarded as such in some texts. The previously commonly used binomial name Boletus versicolor (Rostk.), published in 1844, is now reduced to synonymy as it postdates the current name by German mycologist Julius Vincenz von Krombholz which dates from 1836. Its present specific epithet rubellus is Latin for "somewhat red". The fungus was transferred to the new genus Hortiboletus in 2015, following molecular evidence indicating its genetic dissimilarity to Boletus.



This mushroom has a cap that is scarlet to raspberry red when young, with a dry velvety texture. The extreme margin often has a pale yellow or white band around it, (as in the photograph on the right) and it discolours darker, and dirtier with age. It is a small bolete, with the cap being rarely over 6 centimetres (2.4 in) in diameter. The pores are small; pale yellow,[7] and bruise slowly. Sometimes tapering, the stem is slender and long, and may reach 7.5 cm (3.0 in). It is lemon yellow at the apex, but red elsewhere, and has a tendency to split or sheer vertically. The flesh is straw-coloured in the cap, and stains slowly blue over the tubes when cut. The flesh of the stem is pale yellow at the apex and yellow further down. At the stem base, the flesh may have a distinct spot of brick-red or orange.[8] The tubes and pores are large and lemon-yellow, and may be greenish tinged when older. The spore print is olive. It smells pleasant, but indistinct, and is said to taste slightly soapy.


Conflicting information on pore size in notable publications is a possible indication that there may be more than one species involved, both in Britain and in North America.[9] Boletus campestris is very similar, and Boletus bicolor is almost identical. Neither of these are reported in the British Isles. In Europe, this species is often mistaken for the all too similar Boletus armeniacus which, however, does not show the same red coloration in the stem base.

(이하 생략)






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