Eutrochium maculatum(점등골나물)(2)
Eutrochium maculatum(점등골나물)(1)
학명 : (구학명) Eupatorium maculatum L. / (신학명) Eutrochium maculatum (L.) E.E.Lamont
분류 : Asteraceae
Common Names : Joe-Pye-weed; Queen of the Meadow; Spotted Joe-pye-weed; Spotted Trumpet Weed
국표식 등재명 : 점등골나물
사진 : 2021.10.20 부천 무릉수목원
긴 엽병을 가진 잎들이 윤생하고 있다
종명은 줄기에 검은 반점이 있어 붙인 이름이다
유사종과의 구별
You can tell the difference between this plant and Eutrochium fistulosum by cutting a stem near the base of the plant. Eutrochium maculatum has solid pith running through the stem and Eutrochium fistulosum is hollow toward the base of the plant, filling out as the pith reaches the top of the stem.
아래 : 2022.07.08 물향기수목원
출처 :
유사종과의 구별
You can tell the difference between this plant and Eutrochium fistulosum by cutting a stem near the base of the plant. Eutrochium maculatum has solid pith running through the stem and Eutrochium fistulosum is hollow toward the base of the plant, filling out as the pith reaches the top of the stem.

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