

대효0617 2022. 3. 15. 20:39
유럽스 Euryops pectinatus (L.) Cass. 와 비교



학명 : Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden

분류 : Asteraceae

Common name : silver ragwort

원신지 : 지중해 지역


사진 : 2022.03.12 세종수목원




아래 : 2022.05.21 월미도








위키 설명


Jacobaea maritima, commonly known as silver ragwort, is a perennial plant species in the genus Jacobaea in the family Asteraceae, native to the Mediterranean region. It was formerly placed in the genus Senecio, and is still widely referred to as Senecio cineraria;


It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant for its white, felt-like tomentose leaves; in horticultural use, it is also sometimes called dusty miller, a name shared with several other plants that also have silvery tomentose leaves, including Centaurea cineraria and Silene coronaria.






Silver Ragwort is a very white-wooly, heat and drought tolerant evergreen subshrub growing to 0.51 m (1.63.3 ft) tall. The stems are stiff and woody at the base, densely branched, and covered in long, matted grey-white to white hairs. The leaves are pinnate or pinnatifid, 515 centimetres (2.05.9 in) long and 37 centimetres (1.22.8 in) broad, stiff, with oblong and obtuse segments, and like the stems, covered with long, thinly to thickly matted with grey-white to white hairs; the lower leaves are petiolate and more deeply lobed, the upper leaves sessile and less lobed.


The tomentum is thickest on the underside of the leaves, and can become worn off on the upper side, leaving the top surface glabrous with age. The flowers are yellow, daisy-like in dense capitula 1215 millimetres (0.470.59 in) in diameter, with central disc florets surrounded by a ring of 1013 ray florets, and enclosed in a common whorl of bracts at the base of the capitulum. The seeds are cylindrical achenes.[4][5][6]



Jacobaea maritima is native to the western and central Mediterranean region, in northwest Africa (Morocco, northern Algeria, Tunisia), southern Europe (Spain, Gibraltar, southern France including Corsica, Italy including Sardinia and Sicily, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and Greece), and the far west of Asia (Turkey). It occurs primarily on cliffs and rocky coastal sites, more rarely inland.[2][3][5]


It is also naturalised further north in Europe (north to Great Britain and Ireland, where occurring mainly in mild coastal areas[4][5]) and locally in North America.[7]







Jacobaea maritima - Wikipedia

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