
Tillandsia sp.

대효0617 2022. 3. 13. 10:39


학명 : Tillandsia sp.

분류 : 파인애플과(Bromeliaceae)



참조 사이트 Tillandsia - Wikipedia


사진 : 2022.03.10 물향기수목원


이 속은 종이 너무 많아 종명을 확정하기 어렵지만 흔한 Tillandsia stricta Solander로 보인다




아래 : 2022.07.23 서울식물원





위의 것은 Tillandsia usneoides (Thick-leaved)로 안내되어 있다.





위의 것은 Tillandsia neglecta로 안내되어 있다



* 국표식에도 9종이 등재되어 있다 . 위키에는 전 세계적으로 약 650종이 분포한다고 되어 있다


Tillandsia bulbosa Hook. 틸란드시아 불보사

Tillandsia straminea Kunth 틸란드시아 스트라미네아

Tillandsia streptocarpa Baker 틸란드시아 스트렙토카르파

Tillandsia argentea Griseb. 틸란드시아 아르겐테아

Tillandsia usneoides L. 틸란드시아 우스네오이데스(=수염틸란드시아)

Tillandsia juncea Poir. 틸란드시아 융케아

Tillandsia concolor L.B.Sm. 틸란드시아 콩콜로르

Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K. Koch 틸란드시아 키아네아

Tillandsia tricolor Schltdl. & Cham. 틸란드시아 트리콜로르



영어 위키 설명 

Tillandsia is a genus of around 650 species of evergreen, perennial flowering plants in the family Bromeliaceae, native to the forests, mountains and deserts of northern Mexico and south-eastern United States, Mesoamerica and the Caribbean to mid Argentina. Their leaves, more or less silvery in color, are covered with specialized cells (trichomes) capable of rapidly absorbing water that gathers on them.[2]


Sometimes they are also commonly known as airplants because of their natural propensity to cling wherever conditions permit: telephone wires, tree branches, barks, bare rocks, etc. Their light seeds and a silky parachute facilitate this spread.[3] Most Tillandsia species are epiphytes which translates to 'upon a plant'.[4] Some are aerophytes, which have a minimal root system and grow on shifting desert soil. Due to their epiphytic way of life, these plants will not grow in soil but live on the branches of trees, in deserts and on other substrates that will not be saturated with water for very long.[5]





Tillandsia are perennial herbaceous plants which exhibit a multitude of physiological and morphological differences making this a diverse genus. Having native habitats that vary from being epiphytic and saxicolous, species have certain adaptations, such as root systems designed to anchor to other plants or substrates, and modified trichomes for water and nutrient intake. Some of the species, like the majority of Bromeliaceae, grow as funnel bromeliads, with a compressed stem axis. The leaves are then close together in rosettes, and cover the lower areas of the leaves, forming a funnel for collecting water.[6]


These leaf rosettes, a common physical characteristic in Tillandsia species, collect nutrients and water. The flowers typically involve bright, vibrant colors, with blooms or inflorescences produced on a stalk or several stalks.[7] The flower's color varies greatly; red, yellow, purple and pink flowers exist in this genus, and multicolored flowers are known. The bright colors attract pollinators. An air plant's foliage may also change color when it blooms, also attracting pollinators. The hermaphrodite flowers are threefold with double perianth. The three free sepals are symmetrical and pointed. The seeds have a "parachute" similar to the dandelion.[8]


Common pollinators of this genera include moths, hummingbirds and, more recently recognized, bats.[9]



Tillandsia have naturally been established in diverse environments such as equatorial tropical rain forests, high elevation Andes mountains, rock dwelling (saxicolous) regions, and Louisiana swamps, such as Spanish moss (T. usneoides), a species that grows atop tree limbs. However, there are also species that are lithophytic (growing in or on rocks, though this can also stretch to living on roofs or even telephone wires). Its native range is Tropical & Subtropical America.[10]


Green-leaved species of Tillandsia generally live in cool-to-humid climates, in areas of terrestrial shade or the lower levels of a forest.[11] In contrast, almost all gray-leaved species live in precipitation-poor areas with high humidity. They prefer the full sun and can therefore be found in the upper floors of the woods, on rocks or (rarely) on the ground. Many of the gray species are epiphytes. Some species are more or less xeromorphic.[12]

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