
Evolvulus glomeratus(아메리칸블루)(1)

대효0617 2022. 3. 15. 21:03



학명 : Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart.

분류 : 메꽃과(Convolvulaceae)

Common name : blue daze, Brazilian dwarf morning-glory, or Hawaiian blue eyes,

원산지 : 남미

국내유통명 : 아메리칸블루


사진 : 2022.03.12 세종수목원






위키 설명


Evolvulus glomeratus, commonly known as blue daze, Brazilian dwarf morning-glory, or Hawaiian blue eyes, is flowering plant from the family Convolvulaceae that is native to Brazil, Guyana, Bolivia and Venezuela.[1]



It is an evergreen subshrub that spreads to 60-90 cm in diameter with stems that become woody as they mature. Both leaves and stems have a light grey fuzz.


The lavender-coloured flowers, with blueish petals, are funnel-shaped and are borne in leaf axils proximate to the stem tips. The flowers open in the morning and close by the evening.[2] The plant flowers from summer to fall.

Evolvulus glomeratus, commonly known as blue daze, Brazilian dwarf morning-glory, or Hawaiian blue eyes, is flowering plant from the family Convolvulaceae that is native to Brazil, Guyana, Bolivia and Venezuela.[1]




It is an evergreen subshrub that spreads to 60-90 cm in diameter with stems that become woody as they mature. Both leaves and stems have a light grey fuzz.


The lavender-coloured flowers, with blueish petals, are funnel-shaped and are borne in leaf axils proximate to the stem tips. The flowers open in the morning and close by the evening.[2] The plant flowers from summer to fall.


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