Cerbera odollam(자살나무)(2)
Cerbera odollam(자살나무)(1)
모야모의 아이리스님과 서울식물원의 김영진님이 종에 대한 정보를 제공하시었다
학명 : Cerbera odollam Gaertn.
아래 것은 품종 'Rubra'이다.
분류 : Apocynaceae
학명 풀이 :
Cerbera : From the Greek cerberus, a three-headed dog in Greek mythology
Common Name : pong-pong tree; suicide tree
국내 유통명 : 자살나무
* 꽃색이 붉은 것은 붉은자살나무
사진 : 2022.05.04 서울식물원
아래 : 2022.07.23 서울식물원
아래 것은 꽃이 희색으로 보인다. 서울식물원의 자살나무는 흰색꽃과 붉은색꽃 2종이 있는 것으로 보인다.
아래 : 2022.12.11 서울식물원
아래 : 2022.12.27 대전 한밭수목원
관찰 소견: 자살나무와 붉은자살나무는 꽃색에서 차이가 나지만 중앙 엽맥도 차이가 있는 것으로 보인다.
자살나무는 중맥이 녹색이고 붉은자살나무는 중맥이 붉은색인 것으로 보인다
아래 : 2023.02.09 서울식물원
아래 : 2023.02.15 서울식물원
위키 설명
Cerbera odollam, the pong-pong tree is a dicotyledonous angiosperm, a plant species in the family Apocynaceae and commonly known as the suicide tree, pong-pong, mintolla, and othalam. It bears a fruit known as othalanga (Malayalam: ഒതളങ്ങ) that yields a potent poison that has been used for suicide and murder. It is a species native to India and other parts of southern Asia, growing preferentially in coastal salt swamps and in marshy areas but also grown as a hedge plant between home compounds.
Cerbera odollam is known by a number of vernacular names, depending on the region. These include othalam (ഒതളം) in the Malayalam language used in Kerala, India; kattu arali (காட்டரளி) in the adjacent state of Tamil Nadu; ডাবুর (Dabur) in Bengali; famentana, kisopo, samanta or tangena in Madagascar; and pong-pong, buta-buta, bintaro or nyan in Southeast Asia.
Cerbera odollam bears a close resemblance to oleander, another highly toxic plant from the same family. Its branchlets are whorled about the trunk, and its leaves are terminally crowded, with tapering bases, acuminate apices, and entire margins. The plant as a whole yields a milky, white latex.
* 수고는 12m까지이다.
Its fruit, when still green, looks like a small mango, with a green fibrous shell enclosing an ovoid kernel measuring approximately 2 cm × 1.5 cm and consisting of two cross-matching white fleshy halves. On exposure to air, the white kernel turns violet, then dark grey, and ultimately brown, or black.
아래는 서울식물웡에서 나온 자료집에 있는 설명이다(김영진 선생님 제공)