Cerbera odollam(자살나무)(2)
Cerbera odollam(자살나무)(1)
표지판에 있는대로 Sea Mango로 올렸던 것이지만 Cerbera odollam(자살나무)로 바로잡는다
Cerbera odollam(자살나무)와 Cerbera manghas(Sea Mango)는 매우 흡사하여 식물원에서도 잘못 소개하고 있는 경우가 있다. 이 2종에 대한 설명을 함께 싣는다
학명 : Cerbera odollam Gaertn.
Common Name : Yellow-eyed pong pong tree; suicide tree
국내 유통명 : 자살나무
Family Apocynaceae
사진 : 2023.02.05 부천수피아식물원
표지판에 보이는 것처럼 Cerbera manghas(Sea Mango)로 소개하였지만 Cerbera odollam(자살나무)이다,
Cerbera manghas(Sea Mango)는 화통 중심부가 핑크색- 적색이고 Cerbera odollam(자살나무)는 황색이다
잘못된 표지판이다
아래 : 2023.02.21 부천수피아식물원
아래 : 2023.03.09 부천수피아식물원
아래 : 2023.01.31 대전한밭수목원
아래 : 2024.01.17 한밭수목원
아래 : 2025.01.08 부천 수피아식물원
위 2종에 대한 설명
1) Cerbera odollam Gaertn.
Yellow-eyed pong pong tree
Where seen? This tree with pretty white star-shaped flowers and large round fruits is widely planted along our roadsides and in our parks. It is also sometimes seen growing wild in our mangroves, seashores and tidal rivers. According to Giesen, it is found in coastal forest and landward margins of mangroves and along rivers. It has a limited salt tolerance, and occurs on clays or sandy soils.
Features: Tree up to 12-15m tall, but in Singapore usually shorter. Produces a white sap from all broken plant parks. Bark fissured, flaky, grey to brown with lenticels, often with buttress roots.
Leaves oval (12-30cm long) dark green and glossy, held in dense spirals at the tips of the twigs. Leaves wither orange brown.
Flowers (5-7cm) white with a yellowish centre, appearing at the tips of the twigs.
Fruits globular or mango-shaped (5-7cm) glossy hard. Green ripening pink, rosy purple and finally black. Each fruit contains one poisonous seed. The fruits float and are dispersed by water. When they wash up, often only the fibrous husk is left, around a hard stone.
It is the caterpillar host-plant of the King Crow butterfly (Euploea phaenareta castelnaui).
Human uses: See the fact sheets on Cerbera species in general for more about their uses.
Status and threats: This tree is listed as 'Vulnerable' on the Red List of threatened plants of Singapore.

2) Cerbera manghas L.
Pink-eyed pong pong tree
Sea Mango (시망고)
Where seen? This beautiful tree with pretty pink-eyed white flowers is rare. Even in the past it was rare, among the locations where it was found were Pasir Panjang and Katong, shores now already reclaimed. It now found in the wild on Chek Jawa, with a large stand at Pulau Semakau. They are also planted at St. John's Island. According to Giesen, it is found in coastal swamp forests or on beaches, preferring well drained sandy soils, exposure to sea breezes but not regularly inundated by tides.
Features: Tree up to 15-20m tall, but in Singapore usually shorter. Produces a white sap from all broken plant parts. Bark fissured, flaky, grey to brown with lenticels.
Leaves oval (12-30cm long) dark green and glossy, held in dense spirals at the tips of the twigs. Leaves generally smaller than that of the more common Yellow-eyed Pong pong tree (Cerbera odollam).
Flowers (3-4.5cm) white with pink centre, first orange pink then reddish pink. The flowers appear at the tips of the twigs.
Fruits mango-shaped or oblong (5-7cm) glossy hard, often paired. Green ripening pink, rosy purple and finally black. The fruits float are dispersed by water. When they wash up, often only the fibrous husk is left, around a hard stone.
It is the caterpillar host-plant of the King Crow butterfly (Euploea phaenareta castelnaui).
Human uses: See the fact sheets on Cerbera species in general for more about their uses.
Status and threats: The tree is listed as 'Critically Endangered' on the Red List of threatened plants of Singapore.

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