

대효0617 2023. 2. 11. 17:57

학명 : Phlebodium aureum (Linnaeus) J. Smith

분류 : 고란초과(Polypodiaceae)


Common Names : golden polypody, golden serpent fern, cabbage palm fern, gold-foot fern, blue-star fern, hare-foot fern

국내 유통명 : 블루스타고사리; 토끼발고사리 블루스타


사진 : 2023.01.27 서울식물원








아래 : 2023.02.05  부천 수피아식물원





사진 : 2023.02.03 광릉수목원






아래 : 2023.02.09 서울식물원







아래 : 2024.02.02 수원 일월수목원














FNA 설명


Phlebodium aureum (Linnaeus) J. Smith, J. Bot. (Hooker). 4: 59. 1841.

Goldfoot fern, golden polypody


Polypodium aureum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1087. 1753


Stems creeping, ca. 8--15(--30) mm diam., densely scaly; scales reddish to golden, long-attenuate, 10--20 mm. Leaves bright green or glaucous, arching to pendent, scattered, 3--13 dm. Petiole 1.5--5 dm, smooth, with a few scales near base. Blade pinnately and deeply lobed, 3--8 × 1--5 dm, glabrous, terminal segment conform. Segments lanceolate to elliptic, or linear-lanceolate to linear, 6--20 × 1--4 cm, margins entire or sometimes undulate. Sori in 1 line on each side of costae, occasionally 2d row present, sori terminal or at junction of free included veinlets. 2 n = 148.


Epiphytic on a variety of trees or on logs, dense piles of humus, but most commonly among old leaf bases of Sabal palmetto Loddiges, in various habitats from hammocks to swamps; 0 m; Fla., Ga.; Mexico; West Indies; Central America; South America.


Phlebodium aureum occurs north to Dixie and Nassau counties in Florida, and it is disjunct in Franklin County. It is also found in Georgia (W. H. Duncan 1954; L. H. Snyder Jr. and J. G. Bruce 1986). Two varieties (or subspecies) have been recognized, Phlebodium aureum var. aureum and P . aureum var. areolatum (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Farwell. The latter is now often elevated to species rank and given the name P . pseudoaureum (Cavanilles) Lellinger. Phlebodium pseudoaureum is widespread in Central America and South America (D. B. Lellinger 1987) and has been reported as rare in Florida by G. R. Proctor (1985). I have not seen specimens that could be convincingly referred to P . pseudoaureum .


Phlebodium aureum , a tetraploid species, is believed to have arisen through allopolyploidy following hybridization between P . pseudoaureum and P . decumanum (Willdenow) J. Smith, a widespread species in tropical America.


FNA 세밀화




Phlebodium aureum in Flora of North America @ efloras.org




Wikipedia 설명


Phlebodium aureum (golden polypody, golden serpent fern, cabbage palm fern, gold-foot fern, blue-star fern, hare-foot fern;[1] syn. Polypodium aureum, Polypodium leucotomos) is an epiphytic fern native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas.





It is a rhizomatous fern, with the creeping rhizome 815 mm (rarely 30 mm) in diameter, densely covered in the golden-brown scales that give the species its name. The fronds are large and pinnatifid (deeply lobed), from 30130 cm long and 1050 cm broad, with up to 35 pinnae; they vary in color from bright green to glaucous green and have undulate margins. Several round sori run along each side of the pinna midrib, and the minute spores are wind-dispersed. The fronds are evergreen in areas with year-round rainfall, semi-evergreen or briefly deciduous in areas with a marked dry season.



It is confined to the eastern side of the continents, extending north into the United States to Florida and the extreme southeast of Georgia, and south through the Caribbean (the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and Lesser Antilles), and northern and eastern South America to Paraguay. It is the only species of Phlebodium found in North America; the other species are all confined to South America.



This fern is rarely terrestrial in habitat, usually colonizing the canopies of tropical rainforests and the dwarf palms of subtropical forests. It is common in the cloud forests of the Caribbean and northern South America. It grows in varied habitats in Florida, including swamps and hammocks, and can thus apparently tolerate a wide range of microclimates. Its restriction to the tropics and subtropics is readily explained by its intolerance of anything other than very brief, light frosts. High levels of light are also critical for the growth of this species, and its deciduous habit allows it to invade relatively dry areas.




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