
Erythrina caffra(2)

대효0617 2023. 2. 16. 12:44



학명 : Erythrina caffra Thunb.

Synonym : Erythrina viarium Tod.

Family: Fabaceae



사진 : 2023.02.03 광릉수목원





줄기와 가지에 가시가 있다





잎은 3출엽이다





아래 : 2023.03.04 광릉수목원







아래 : 2024.01.17 한밭수목원



Erythrina속에 대해서는 종의 구별에 대한 정보가 없어 표지판에 있는대로 올린다










Erythrina caffra, the coast coral tree or African coral tree, is a tree native to southeastern Africa, which is often cultivated and has introduced populations in California and India.[1][2] All the 17 species of coral tree in the genus Erythrina are collectively considered the official tree of Los Angeles, California in the United States.[3]



Erythrina caffra is a medium to large deciduous tree. It grows in coastal bushes and riverine forests along the south eastern coast of South Africa and up into Zululand.



The compound leaves are made up of three leaflets. Each leaflet is broadly ovate to elliptical. The leaflets do not have prickles and are hairless.



The flowers are made up of a main petal and four small petals. The main petal curves back to expose the stamens. The flower colour is warm red to scarlet. This is one of the main differences between Erythrina caffra and Erythrina lysistemon. The flowers form stalked axillary racemes up to 100mm long.



The bark is reasonably smooth with thorns every now and then. The younger the branch the sharper the thorns.


위키 사진






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