
Erythrina lysistemon

대효0617 2023. 3. 28. 21:38


Erythrina caffra(1)


Erythrina caffra(2)


Erythrina speciosa


Erythrina lysistemon




학명 : Erythrina lysistemon Hutch.

분류 : Fabaceae

학명 풀이

Erythrina :Red colored

lysistemon : lysis 'loosening' + stemon 'stamens'

Common Name: Coral tree


사진 : 2023.03.19 푸른수목원








Erythrina속(약 130종)은 줄기와 가지에 가시가 있고, 3출엽이며, 꽃은 대체로 붉은색이다






아래 : 2023.05.03 푸른수목원








Wikipedia 설명


Erythrina lysistemon is a species of deciduous tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to South Africa. Common names include common coral-tree, lucky bean tree, umsintsi (Xhosa), muvhale (Venda), mophete (Tswana), koraalboom of kanniedood (Afrikaans), mokhungwane (Sotho) and umsinsi (Zulu). It is regularly cultivated as a tree for gardens and parks.



Common coral tree reaches 30 to 40 ft (9.1 to 12.2 m) in height, with smooth grayish bark, not corky; hooked prickles scattered on trunk and branches; leaves with 3 leaflets, up to 7 in (18 cm) long, petiole and midrib prickly. The tree is leafless for up to 4 or 5 months of the year. The lovely scarlet red flowers are borne in dense racemes in spring before leaves and attract numerous birds and insects to the garden. It is hardy to USDA Zone 9b.



위키에서 거져온 사진










Erythrina속에 대한 FOC 설명 


Trees or shrubs [or perennial herbs], branches with prickles. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules small; stipels fleshy and glandular; leaflets sometimes with stellate hairs. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, racemelike, noded, 2- or more flowered. Flowers conspicuous; bracts and bracteoles mostly deciduous. Calyx spathaceous, campanulate, or turbinate, truncate or 2-lobed. Corolla often red or orange, usually longer than calyx; petals extremely unequal; standard large, rounded or oblong, often folded longitudi­nally, erect or spreading, subsessile or long clawed, without appendages; wings short, sometimes absent; keels much shorter than standard. Stamens diadelphous; vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary stipitate; ovules 2 to many; style inflexed; stigma small, terminal. Legume stipitate, mostly linear-oblong, often curved, dehiscent along ventral suture, rarely indehiscent, mostly leath­ery or woody, often constricted between seeds, not septate. Seeds 1-14, white, gray, or brown, rarely red with dark spots, ovoid; hilum lateral, oblong, without strophiole.

More than 100 species: tropics and subtropics; four species in China.

Erythrina corallodendron Linnaeus and E. crista-galli Linnaeus, and to a lesser extent E. caffra Thunberg, E. humeana Sprengel, E. lysistemon Hutchinson, and E. specicosa Andrews, have been introduced into China as ornamentals.












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