
Wodyetia bifurcata(여우꼬리야자)

대효0617 2023. 3. 5. 12:01

학명 : Wodyetia bifurcata A.K.Irvine

분류 : Arecaceae


Common Name : foxtail palm

국내 유통명 : 여우꼬리야자


사진 : 2023.02.15 서울식물원












The foxtail palm is endemic to a remote area in Queensland, Australia on the Cape York Peninsula where they grow in rocky and flooded scrubland. Usually found in sandy, acidic soils, they grow from sea level to 400 m in elevation.

Queensland, Australia, N.E. Queensland, confined to the southwest, south and southeast sides of Melville Range, latitude 14˚ 17' S, longitude 144˚ 28' E. Biology And Ecology: Wodyetia occurs in open woodland communities consisting of rain forest elements in coarse, loose granite sand, among huge granite boulders, with the main canopy being the palms themselves. Other tree species associated with it are low forms of Ficus obliqua, F. benjamina (semi-creeping), Buchanania arborescens, Polyalthia nitidissima, Myristica insipida, Diospyros reticulata var. ferrea, Cryptocarya bidwilli, and vines Capparis sp., Cissus sp. It extends 1-2 km, downstream, along open forest creeks at the foot of the granite boulder hills. Here it may be found amongst Eucalyptus polycarpa, E. drepanophylla, Cochlospermum gillvrayei and Bombax ceiba forest. It appears to be absent from dense closed forest communities in the area. In these communities the palm Archontophoenix alexandrae is a prolific upper canopy species. Altitude range is 60-400 m a.s.l. Climatic conditions have a strong seasonally dry component, with drought stress likely to be significant for six months of the year. Annual rainfall is reckoned to be about 1400-1600 mm, confined mainly to 3-4 months of the year, DecemberMarch (Summer Wet). Mature fruit is present in October-December, open flowers are likely to be found in DecemberFebruary. Seed germinates in 2-3 months, coinciding with the wet season, but sporadic germination continues for at least 14 months. (Irvine, A. 1983)



[Expand] Detailed Scientific Description

Key Characters of Wodyetia bifurcata: Stem slightly bottle shaped, primary pinnae regularly arranged, divided into as many as 11-17 segments. Margins of segments ribbed. Stamens 60-71, filaments and stylodes lacking scales. Mature fruit orange-red, ovoid-globose, 49-57 mm long, 27-37 mm wide, excluding calyx, but including remnant stigma 8-10 mm long. Mesocarp flesh orange-yellow when ripe. Outer endocarp with strongly forking, flattened, tough black fibers. Seed terete, around 32 mm long, 22 mm wide. Seed "shell" covered with wavy, slightly depressed, longitudinally tending fibrous lines, some forking. Endosperm homogeneous. (Irvine, A. 1983).



Wodyetyias have proven highly adaptable, and are grown in suitable climates all over the world, in places as varied as Miami, Los Angeles, Bermuda, Durban, Honolulu, Sydney, Auckland, Cape Town and Corsica.


In Southern California, Wodyetias are best started in the ground from relatively large plants, the bigger the better. Little baby plants will survive, but often disappoint. Full sun is best, plus well-drained soil. No ph issues known. Once established will grow fast, though not as fast as in more humid climates.



Comments and Curiosities

Etymology: Wodyetia is a monotypic genus of palm tree named for 'Wodyeti', the Australian aborigine who introduced the plants to cultivators and the epithet for its only species bifurcata is Latin for 'twice-divided'.


They are endangered in their natural habitat and collecting the seeds is prohibited.






Wikipedia 설명


Flowering: White flowers stalk that comes from the base of the crownshaft.[4]


Foliage: Variance of greenish colors; deep green to light green colors. Received its more commonly known Australian-English name from the appearance of its foliage, which is in a shape of a fox’s tail.[4]


Fruits: 2 inches long. Olive green to green in the early stages. Orange red when ripe.[4]


Trunk: Similar to the king palm, the foxtail palm trunk is smooth, thin, and self-cleaning. It grows a single, double, or triple trunk that is slightly spindle-shaped to columnar reaching heights of about 10 m (30 ft). The trunk also has a closely ringed, dark grey to light gray color which slowly turns more and more white. The crownshaft of the foxtail palm is light to bright green and slightly swollen at the base.[4][5]




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