브룬펠시아 종류(1)
브룬펠시아(Brunfelsia) 종류(2)
분류 : Solanaceae
today, tomorrow together, morning-noon-and-night, kiss me quick, and Brazil raintree.

. 영어 Wikipedia에는 Brunfelsia 속으로 15종을 올려 놓았다.

영어 Wikipedia 설명
Brunfelsia pauciflora is a species of flowering plant in the family Solanaceae, the nightshades. It is endemic to Brazil, and it is grown in cultivation.[1] A shrubby perennial plant grown in gardens, its common names include today, tomorrow together, morning-noon-and-night, kiss me quick, and Brazil raintree.[2]
Cultivars bred for ornamental use include the common 'Eximia', the smaller, more floriferous 'Floribunda', and 'Macrantha', which has larger flowers without white throats.[2] This plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[3]
The genus name Brunfelsia commemorates sixteenth century German monk, Otto Brunfels.[4] The specific epithet pauciflora is Latin for 'few-flowered'.[5]
This species is a shrub up to 2.4 meters tall by 1.5 wide whose bark is greyish brown and mostly smooth and only occasionally interrupted by longitudinal cracks. The sparsely existing branches stand upright to spread. The dark green, smooth branches are strong and glabrous, rarely covered with fluff-haired or glandular trichomes.
The leathery leaves are up to 16 centimeters long, dark green on top and paler on the undersides. The leaves are distributed on the branches or as a group at the branch tips. The hairless petioles have a length of 5 to 12 mm. The firmly membranous to almost leathery leaf blade is 6.5 to 16 cm long and 2 to 6.5 cm wide, elongated to elongate-lanceolate, rarely elliptic-oblong to ovate-elongated. The tip is pointed to short pointed, rarely blunted to notched. The base of the leaf blade is wedge-shaped to tapered. The leaf surface is glabrous or dotted on the underside of the midrib or slightly glandular hairy. The top is dark green, dull to shiny, the underside is light green. From the midrib go five to eleven side veins that run straight or in a wide arc.[2]
The four stamens set in the upper part of the floral tube, the white stamens are almost circular, somewhat trough-shaped in the direction of the dust bag. The upper pair of stamens has 4 to 6 mm long stamens, the lower stamens are 2 to 4 mm long. The greenish-brown anthers are 1.5 to 2 mm long and circular to kidney-shaped. The bright green ovary is 2 to 3 mm high and has a diameter of 1.5 mm, it is conical-ovate shaped. The thread-like stylus has a length of 25 to 30 mm and is coloured lavender. The scar is bilobed, white, 1 mm long, the scar lobes are slightly different in size.[6]
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