
Vernonia sp.(2)

대효0617 2024. 10. 19. 14:21


Vernonia sp.(2)


Vernonia sp.(1)




학명 : Vernonia sp. 

분류 : 국화과(Astersceae)


사진 : 2024.07.31 여주 황학산수목원


종이 나무 많고 종간의 차이를 몰라 종명응 확정할 수 없다 









국표식에 2종이 등재되어 있고 영어 위키에는 350종이 있다고 하는 속이다. 


국표식 등재종 

재배식물 정명 Vernonia noveboracensis Willd. 베르노니아 노베보라켄시스 2011/12/08

재배식물 정명 Vernonia fasciculata Michx. 베르노니아 파스키쿨라타

속에 대한 FNA 설명

Vernonia Schreber, Gen. Pl. 2: 541. 1791.

Ironweed [For William Vernon, d. 1711, English botanist]


John L. Strother


Perennials, 220(30+) dm (rhizomatous or not). Leaves usually mostly cauline (rarely mostly basal or basal and cauline); sessile or petiolate; blades ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate, spatulate, linear, or filiform, bases usually ± cuneate (rounded-truncate in V. pulchella), margins usually toothed (rarely entire), apices acute to attenuate, abaxial faces usually ± scabrellous to strigillose or tomentose to pannose, sometimes glabrate or glabrous, usually resin-gland-dotted (sometimes ± pitted), adaxial faces ± scabrellous or glabrate, sometimes resin-gland-dotted (rarely pitted). Heads discoid, ± pedunculate, not subtended by foliaceous bracts, (6)40100+ in ± corymbiform to paniculiform arrays (6)1025+ cm diam. Involucres ± campanulate to obconic or hemispheric, 38(11+) mm diam. Phyllaries 1870+ in 47+ series, the outer ovate to lanceolate or subulate, inner ± lanceolate to oblong, all ± chartaceous, margins entire, often ciliolate, tips rounded (then sometimes apiculate), or acuminate, subulate, or filiform, faces glabrous or sparsely strigillose to tomentose, sometimes ± gland-dotted. Florets 930(65+); corollas usually purplish or pink (rarely white), tubes longer than funnelform throats, lobes 5, lance-linear, ± equal. Cypselae ± columnar, sometimes arcuate, 810-ribbed, glabrous or ± strigillose to hirtellous, often resin-gland-dotted; pappi persistent, of 2030+ outer, erose to subulate scales or bristles plus 2040+ inner, longer, subulate to setiform scales or bristles. x = 17.


Species 20 or so (17 in the flora): mainly c, e North America, n Mexico, 23 species in South America.


The circumscription of Vernonia adopted here follows that of H. Robinson (1999).


Vernonias hybridize; almost every one of the species recognized here has been noted as sometimes hybridizing with one or more others. Putative hybrid plants are usually intermediate between parentals in some traits; such plants may not "key" satisfactorily to any of the species treated here. Some putative hybrids have been named. Vernonia guadalupensis is "without much doubt a hybrid of V. baldwinii Torrey and V. lindheimeri Engelmann & Gray" (L. H. Shinners 1950); V. vulturina Shinners (known only from the type collection) may be a product of V. baldwinii × V. marginata; V. ×georgiana Bartlett may refer to V. acaulis × V. angustifolia. Additional putative hybrids (S. B. Jones 1964) are V. ×concinna Gleason (V. ovalifolia × V. angustifolia), V. ×dissimilis Gleason (V. altissima × V. angustifolia), and V. ×recurva Gleason (V. pulchella × V. angustifolia).


In the key and descriptions, "l/w = " refers to lengths divided by widths for blades of leaves; lengths of phyllaries include subulate to filiform tips (if any).




Gleason, H. A. 1922b. Vernonia. In: N. L. Britton et al., eds. 1905+. North American Flora. 47+ vols. New York. Vol. 33, pp. 5295. Jones, S. B. 1964. Taxonomy of the narrow-leaved Vernonia of the southeastern United States. Rhodora 66: 382401. Jones, S. B. and W. Z. Faust. 1978. Vernonia. In: N. L. Britton et al., eds. 1905+. North American Flora. 47+ volumes. New York. Ser. 2, part 10, pp. 180195. Shinners, L. H. 1950. Notes on Texas Compositae. IV. Field & Lab. 18: 2532.



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