

대효0617 2025. 2. 26. 18:44







학명 : Cardiospermum halicacabum L.

분류 : 무환자나무과 (Sapindaceae)

학명 풀이:

Cardiospermum : 그리스어 kardia ‘heart’ sperma ‘seed’, 검은 씨에 있는 하트 모양의 흰 점으로 생긴 이름

halicacabum: From the Latin name for an herb said to cure bladder(방광) problems Halicacabus (the name is probably used in this instance to denote a likeness to a bladder rather than any claims to medicinal properties)

중국어명 : 倒地铃

일어명 : フウセンカズラ風船葛)

영어명 : Balloon vine


사진 : 2024.08.12 고대산









덩굴성 한해살이풀 (원래는 여러해살이풀)


길이 2~3m

잎은 어긋나기하고 23출 또는 2회 우상으로 갈라지며 엽병이 길고 최종소엽은 엽병이 짧으며 난상 피침형이고 끝이 뾰족하며 가장자리에 뾰족한 톱니가 있다.

꽃은 8-9월에 피고 백색이며 화경이 잎보다 길고 꽃이 약간 달리며 잎겨드랑이에서 자라고 밑부분에서 1쌍의 덩굴손이 자란다. 꽃받침조각은 4개로서 밖의 2개가 다소 작고 꽃잎도 4개로서 크기가 각각 다르며 내부 한쪽에 밀선반이 있고 수술은 8개이며 씨방은 3실이다.


열매는 꽈리 모양이고 각 실에 흑색 종자가 들어 있으며 한쪽에 심장상의 백색 점이 있다.


길이 2-3m정도 벋고 덩굴손으로 다른 물체에 기어 올라가며 털이 거의 없다.


덩굴손이 있어 기어오름.

풍선덩굴이란 속칭 Balloonvine 에서 온 이름이다.




속에 대한 설명


Cardiospermum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 366. 1753.

倒地铃属 dao di ling shu






Herbaceous or woody climbers, rarely shrubs. Leaves usually biternate or bitrilobate; stipules small, deciduous; leaflets pinnately lobed or dentate, usually with pellucid glands. Panicles axillary; peduncles rather long, first pair of branches forming tendrils or spines; bracts and bracteoles subulate. Flowers unisexual, zygomorphic, with slender noded pedicels. Sepals 4 or 5, imbricate, outer 2 smaller. Petals 4, with a large scale inside and slightly above base; scales of abaxial petals with broadly winged appendage, scales of adaxial petals simple. Disk lobed into 2 large glandular lobes at base of petals. Stamens (male flowers) 8, slightly longer than petals. Ovary (female flowers) ellipsoid, trigonous, 3-loculed; ovules 1 per locule, inserted at middle of middle axis; style short; stigma 3-lobed. Capsules inflated, saclike, 3-loculed; pericarp membranous or papery, veined. Seeds 1 per locule, subglobose; hilum cordate or suborbicular; embryo with large cotyledons, outer one arched, inner one reflexed. 2n = 20, 22.


About 12 species: mostly in tropical and subtropical America; one species in China.


종에 대한 설명


Cardiospermum halicacabum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 366. 1753.

倒地铃 dao di ling


Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum (Kunth) Blume; C. microcarpum Kunth.


Climbers, herbaceous, 1-1.5 m. Stems and branches green, 5- or 6-sulcate, slender, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaves biternate, triangular in outline; petioles 3-4 cm; leaflets subsessile; blades thinly papery, margin sparsely serrate or pinnately parted, abaxially sparsely villous on midvein and lateral veins, adaxially subglabrous or sparsely pilosulose; terminal blade obliquely lanceolate or subrhombic, 3-8 × 1.5-2.5 cm, apex acuminate; lateral ones slightly smaller, ovate or narrowly elliptic. Panicles few flowered, ca. as long as or slightly longer than

leaves; peduncles straight, 4-8 cm, tendrils spiralled. Sepals 4, ciliate, outer 2 ovate, 8-10 mm, inner 2 narrowly elliptic, ca. 2 × as long as outer ones. Petals milky-white, obovate. Stamens (male flowers) ca. as long as or slightly longer than petals; filaments sparsely long villous. Ovary (female flowers) obovoid or sometimes subglobose, pubescent. Capsules brown, pearlike, turbinate-obtriangular or sometimes nearly ellipsoid, 1.5-3 × 2-4 cm, pubescent. Seeds black, shiny, ca. 5 mm in diam.; hilum green when fresh, white when dry, cordate. Fl. summer-autumn, fr. autumn-early winter.

Forest margins, shrublands, grasslands, cultivated areas, wastelands. Common in E, S, and SW China, rare in N China [common weed widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions].

This species is used medicinally.









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