학명 : Phaius tankervilleae (Banks) Blume 분류 : Orchidaceae 중국어명 : 大花鹤顶兰(중국); 紅鶴頂蘭(대만) 일어명 : カクチョウラン(鶴頂蘭) 국내 유통명 : 학정란 Common Names : Wikipedia 참조 사진 : 2023.02.25 서울대공원 Phaius tankervilleae, commonly known as the greater swamp-orchid, swamp lily, swamp orchid,[2] nun's-hood orchid,[3] nun's orchid, veiled orchid, Lady Tankerville's swamp orchid[4] or 鹤顶兰 (he ding lan),[5] is a species of orchid nat..