
까치밥나무(1)(까치밥나무속 Ribes 종 검색표)

대효0617 2009. 5. 9. 11:07





까치밥나무(1)(FOC 검색표)


명자순 (2) (속식물지 검색표)





학명 : Ribes mandshuricum (Maxim.) Kom.

분류 : 범의귀과 (Saxifragaceae)












아래: 2017.08.27  구룡령















아래: 2018.07.06  백두산 지하산림



아래 것은 까치밥나무로 이름을 들었으나 이 종류들 중에 워낙 비슷한 것이 많아 까치밥나무로 동정하기에는 좀 망서려진다.








아래 : 2022.09.28 화악산






중국에도 분포한다.

지리산과 북부지방의 고산지대에서 자란다.


낙엽 활엽 소관목.


높은 산의 수림속에서 잘 자라는 내음성이 강한 수종이다.


높이가 2m정도 된다.

잎은 원형이고 3-5개로 갈라지며 예두 심장저(까마귀밥여름나무의 기부는 심장저 또는 절저임)이고 겹톱니가 있으며 표면은 녹색이고 길이와 폭이 각각 4-10cm로서 잔털이 산생하며 뒷면에 융털이 있고 엽병은 길이 1-6cm로서 털이 거의 없다.(까마귀밥여름나무의 엽병에는 털이 많다.)

꽃은 양성으로 길이 20cm의 총상꽃차례를 이루며 꽃차례에 털이 밀생하고, 많은 양성꽃이 달리며 포는 숙존성이며, 꽃받침통은 난상 원형이다. 꽃받침조각은 둥글고 뒤로 젖혀지고, 꽃잎은 작으며 거꿀달걀모양으로 뒤로 젖혀지고 수술은 길게 밖으로 나오며 암술대는 2개로 갈라지며 5-6월에 녹황색으로 개화한다.


열매는 둥글며 털이 없고 7-8월에 붉은 색으로 성숙한다. 먹을 수 있다.


높이가 2m에 달하고 가지는 털이 없으며 굵고 동아는 달걀모양이며 털이 있다. 일년생가지에 짧은 털과 지점이 있다.


개앵도나무(var. subglabrum KOM.) : 잎은 뒷면 맥위에만 털이 있고 꽃차례에 털이 적으며 지리산 및 백두산에서 자란다.

카란트 (R.sativum SYME) : Garden currant, 재배종으로서 수술이 꽃받침보다 짧으며 유럽에서 들어 왔다.


까치밥나무속의 나무들은 잣나무털녹병 병원균의 중간기주가 된다.





개앵도나무 Ribes mandshuricum for. subglabrum (Kom.) Kitag.


까치밥나무  Ribes mandshuricum (Maxim.) Kom. for. mandshuricum



개당주나무 Ribes fasciculatum Siebold & Zucc.


까마귀밥나무  Ribes fasciculatum var. chinense Maxim.



꼬리까치밥나무  Ribes komarovi Pojark. var. komarovi

좀꼬리까치밥나무  Ribes komarovi var. breviracemum (Nakai) T.B.Lee


가시까치밥나무 Ribes diacantha Pall.

까막까치밥나무  Ribes ussuriense Jancz. 

까막바늘까치밥나무  Ribes horridum Rupr. ex Maxim.

넓은잎까치밥나무  Ribes latifolium Jancz.

눈까치밥나무  Ribes triste Pall.

명자순  Ribes maximowiczianum Kom.

바늘까치밥나무  Ribes burejense F.Schmidt 

바위까치밥나무  Ribes pauciflorum Turcz. ex Ledeb. 

서양까치밥나무  Ribes grossularia L.

양까막까치밥나무 Ribes nigrum L.




Ribes 속 FOC 검색표



1 Flowers bisexual. (2)


2 (1) Branchlets with spines, prickles, or both. (3)


3 (2) Flowers 4-20 in racemes more than 2 cm 1 R. horridum 까막바늘까치밥나무

3 + Flowers solitary, 2 or 3 in clusters, or in racemes less than 2 cm. (4)


4 (3) Style and calyx tube adaxially villous 2 R. reclinatum

4 + Style and calyx tube adaxially glabrous. (5)


5 (4) Fruit oblong, 2-2.5 cm 3 R. stenocarpum

5 + Fruit globose, rarely ellipsoid, 0.8-1.5 cm. (6)      

6 (5) Spines at nodes slender, basally less than 1 mm in diam. (7)


7 (6) Leaf blade glabrous except at vein axils; style divided for ca. 1/2 its length 4 R. aciculare

7 + Leaf blade pubescent, some hairs glandular; style entire or only stigma 2-lobed 5 R. fuyunense


6 + Spines at nodes robust, basally more than 1 mm in diam. (8)

8 (6) Calyx tube cylindric, 7-10 mm 6 R. formosanum

8 + Calyx tube campanulate, to 6 mm. (9)


9 (8) Style 2-lobed at apex; anthers not exserted 7 R. burejense 바늘까치밥나무

9+  Style divided for ca. 1/2 its length; anthers exserted 8 R. alpestre


2+ Branchlets with neither spines nor prickles. (10)

10 (2) Flowers solitary or 2 per fascicle 9 R. ambiguum

10 + Flowers in racemes. (11)


11 (10) Shrubs low, creeping, or procumbent, to 40 cm tall, rarely semierect to 1 m tall. (12)   


12 (11) Leaf blade with scattered, sessile, yellow glands abaxially 10 R. procumbens

12 + Leaf blade without scattered, sessile, yellow glands abaxially, sometimes with glandular hairs. (13)


13 (12) Racemes pendent, lax, (3-)5-7-flowered; calyx purple to red 11 R. triste  눈까치밥나무

13 + Racemes erect, dense, 5-15-flowered; calyx yellowish white 12 R. palczewskii



11 + Shrubs erect, usually more than 1 m tall. (14)

14 (11) Racemes short, 2- or 3-flowered 13 R. fargesii

14 + Racemes (2-)4-30(-40) cm, (4-)8-40(-50)-flowered. (15)


15 (14) Calyx tube cylindric, 1.2-1.5 cm 14 R. odoratum

15 + Calyx tube campanulate or cupular, or if cylindric then less than 0.7 cm. (16)


16 (15) Leaf blade with scattered, sessile, yellow glands abaxially. (17)

17 (16) Calyx and ovary with scattered, sessile, yellow glands 15 R. nigrum 양까막까치밥나무

17 + Calyx and ovary without scattered, sessile, yellow glands 16 R. americanum


16 + Leaf blade without scattered, sessile, yellow glands abaxially, sometimes with glandular hairs. (18)


18 (16) Calyx lobes reflexed at or soon after anthesis. (19)


19 (18) Racemes lax, rachis clearly visible at anthesis. (20)   

20 (19) Petiole 6-8 cm, leaf lobes acuminate at apex; calyx lobes not ciliate; fruit red, 0.8-1.2 cm 17 R. griffithii

20 + Petiole 3-5 cm, leaf lobes obtuse to acute at apex; calyx lobes ciliate; fruit purple-black, 0.5-0.7 cm 18 R. altissimum


19 + Racemes dense, rachis almost hidden at anthesis. (21)

21 (19) Racemes spreading then pendulous, fewer than 30-flowered; calyx purple, without warts at base of calyx tube adaxially 19 R. soulieanum

21 + Racemes erect then pendulous, usually more than 30-flowered; calyx green to yellow, with 5 warts at base of calyx tube adaxially. (22)


22 (21) Leaf lobes coarsely sharply serrate or doubly serrate at margin, acute or shortly acu-minate at apex; warts on adaxial surface of calyx tube not joined by a raised ring 20 R. mandshuricum 까치밥나무

22 + Leaf lobes coarsely crenate-serrate or doubly serrate at margin, obtuse or acute at apex; warts on adaxial surface of calyx tube joined by a raised ring 21 R. multiflorum


18 + Calyx lobes erect or incurved at anthesis. (23) 

23 (18) Calyx lobes ciliate or dentate at margin. (24)  


24 (23) Racemes lax, rachis clearly visible at anthesis; calyx tube pelviform, 1-1.5 mm 22 R. pubescens

24 + Racemes dense, rachis almost hidden at anthesis; calyx tube campanulate to shortly cylindric, 1.5-3.5 mm. (25)


25 (24) Petals not ciliate at margin; leaf blade to 12 × 15 cm, petiole 5-8 cm 23 R. latifolium 넓은잎까치밥나무 

25 + Petals ciliate at margin; leaf blade to 10 × 10 cm, petiole 2.5-5 cm. (26)


26 (25) Leaf blade and raceme rachis stalked glandular; petals subspatulate to flabellate; stamens inserted level with petals 24 R. himalense

26 + Leaf blade and raceme rachis not stalked glandular; petals narrowly cuneate to linear; stamens inserted below petals 25 R. meyeri


23 + Calyx lobes neither ciliate nor dentate at margin, at most erose. (27)

27 (23) Racemes initially erect, 2-6 cm, 5-15-flowered; calyx tube pelviform or shallowly cupular, 1-2 mm. (28)

28 (27) Calyx green to greenish brown; petals purplish; raceme rachis and pedicels sparsely shortly glandular hairy 26 R. rubrum

28 + Calyx yellowish white; petals yellowish; raceme rachis and pedicels pubescent at anthesis, glabrous in fruit 12 R. palczewskii


27 + Racemes nodding to pendulous, 5-40 cm, 9-50-flowered; calyx tube campanulate to shortly cylindric, 2-6 mm. (29)

29 (27) Racemes lax, 15-40-flowered; pedicels 3-10(-15) mm; calyx tube 4-6 mm; stamens exserted 27 R. longeracemosum

29 + Racemes dense, 5-30(-50)-flowered; pedicels absent or very short; calyx tube 2-4 mm; stamens included. (30)

30 (29) Buds glabrous, apex obtuse; leaf blade adaxially sparsely coarsely glandular hairy; calyx lobes not incurved, apex obtuse; stamens inserted level with petals 28 R. moupinense

30 + Buds puberulent, apex acute; leaf blade adaxially densely pubescent; calyx lobes incurved, apex acute; stamens inserted below petals 29 R. setchuense



1.+ Flowers unisexual (shrubs dioecious). (31) 


31 (1) Shrubs deciduous, though in leaf for most of year; flowers in subsessile umbels or fascicles, rarely solitary 30 R. fasciculatum 개당주나무

31 + Shrubs deciduous, semievergreen, or evergreen; flowers in racemes. (32)

32 (31) Shrubs evergreen, rarely semievergreen, unarmed; leaf blade margin entire, rarely 3-lobed near apex. (33)

33 (32) Branchlets and petioles glandular bristly; petioles 3-8 mm. (34)

34 (33) Leaf blade narrowly elliptic to sublanceolate, ca. 3 × as long as wide; calyx purplish green, glabrous 31 R. tianquanense

34 + Leaf blade elliptic to obovate-elliptic, ca. 2 × as long as wide; calyx greenish white, stalked glandular 32 R. henryi


33 + Branchlets glabrous; petioles 0.5-4 cm, glabrous or sparsely glandular hairy. (35)

35 (33) Leaf blade orbicular to reniform-orbicular, about as long as wide; calyx purple to purplish green 33 R. hunanense

35 + Leaf blade obovate to elliptic, longer than wide; calyx greenish white or yellowish green. (36)

36 (35) Leaf blade 2-5 × 1.5-3 cm; male racemes erect; fruit 0.8-1.1 × 0.6-0.8 cm 34 R. davidii

36 + Leaf blade 5-10 × 2.5-4.5 cm; male racemes pendulous; fruit 1.5-2 × 0.7-1 cm 35 R. laurifolium


32 + Shrubs deciduous, unarmed or with 2 small prickles at each node; leaf blade margin lobed. (37)

37 (32) Nodes each with 2 small spines; internodes minutely prickly or unarmed. (38)

38 (37) Petioles pubescent to glandular hairy, rarely glabrescent; leaf blade margin 3-5-lobed. (39)

39 (38) Female racemes up to 6-flowered; calyx tube 2-3 mm; fruit pubescent then glabrescent 36 R. giraldii

39 + Female racemes at least 8-flowered; calyx tube 1.5-2 mm; fruit glabrous 37 R. pulchellum


38 + Petioles glabrous, rarely puberulent; leaf blade margin 3-lobed. (40)

40 (38) Shrubs low, to 1 m tall; leaf blade puberulent, remaining so at margin and sometimes abaxially 38 R. saxatile

40 + Shrubs erect, to 3 m tall; leaf blade glabrous. (41)

41 (40) Petioles 0.5-1 cm; leaf blade 1-1.5 cm; male racemes 7-11-flowered 39 R. glabrifolium

41 + Petioles 1-2 cm; leaf blade 1.5-3.5 cm; male racemes 10-15-flowered 40 R. diacanthum 가시까치밥나무



37 + Nodes and internodes unarmed. (42)    


42 (37) Terminal leaf lobe shorter than or rarely equaling lateral ones, apex obtuse, rarely acute. (43)

43 (42) Leaf blade glabrous or margin ciliate, rarely viscid glandular; ovary and fruit glabrous 41 R. heterotrichum

43 + Leaf blade pubescent, or viscid or stalked glandular, or both; ovary and young fruit pubescent and glandular pubescent. (44)

44 (43) Calyx green, sometimes tinged reddish brown 42 R. kialanum

44 + Calyx purple or purplish brown. (45)

45 (44) Leaf blade orbicular to reniform-orbicular, pubescent and glandular, lobes coarsely obtusely serrate at margin, obtuse at apex; calyx pubescent and glandular 43 R. orientale

45 + Leaf blade broadly ovate, glandular but not pubescent, lobes sharply serrate at margin, obtuse to acute at apex; calyx glabrous, rarely puberulent 44 R. xizangense


42 + Terminal leaf lobe equaling or longer than lateral ones, apex acute, acuminate, or caudate. (46)

46 (42) Leaf blade to 2 cm, terminal lobe slightly longer than lateral ones. (47)

47 (46) Calyx pubescent; fruit black or reddish black 45 R. pseudofasciculatum

47 + Calyx glabrous; fruit red. (48)

48 (47) Calyx purple; leaf blade glabrous, rarely sparsely glandular hairy adaxially; inflorescences glabrous 46 R. humile

48 + Calyx green or yellow-green; leaf blade and inflorescences minutely pubescent and stalked glandular 47 R. glabricalycinum


46 + Leaf blade more than 2 cm, terminal lobe usually much longer than lateral ones. (49)


49 (46) Calyx hairy or glandular or both. (50)

50 (49) Fruit black. (51)

51 (50) Calyx green, sometimes tinged reddish brown, tube cupular; fruit sparsely stalked glandular, sometimes hairy 48 R. vilmorinii

51 + Calyx dark red or purple, tube saucer-shaped, rarely shallowly cupular; fruit glabrous 49 R. rubrisepalum


50 + Fruit yellowish green, red, or reddish brown. (52)

52 (50) Fruit densely villous and stalked glandular. (53)

53 (52) Leaf blade 2.5-5 cm, margin acutely serrate or doubly serrate; male racemes lax, 6-7 cm, 10-15-flowered 50 R. franchetii

53 + Leaf blade 6-10 cm, margin obtusely dentate or doubly dentate; male racemes dense, 7-15 cm, 15-30-flowered or more 51 R. maximowiczii


52+ Fruit glabrous, pubescent, or sparsely stalked glandular. (54)

54 (52) Leaf blade 5-9 cm, margin deeply doubly serrate, terminal lobe longer than lateral ones, apex acuminate; calyx reddish brown 52 R. takare

54 + Leaf blade 2-5 cm, margin irregularly crenate-dentate or doubly dentate, rarely subentire, terminal lobe subequaling lateral ones; calyx green, sometimes tinged reddish brown 42 R. kialanum


49 + Calyx glabrous. (55)

55 (49) Inflorescences stalked glandular, otherwise glabrous. (56)

56 (55) Leaf blade glabrous, rarely sparse ly stalked glandular, terminal lobe acute at apex; calyx green 53 R. komarovii 꼬리까치밥나무

56 + Leaf blade coarsely appressed hairy adaxially, terminal lobe acuminate at apex; calyx yellowish brown 54 R. maximowiczianum 명자순


..........  이하 생략 ..................  








FOC  세밀화











까치밥나무 Ribes mandshuricum 의  세밀화와 함께 실려 있는 다른 두 종도 만주 지역에 분포한다