브룬펠시아 종류(1)
브룬펠시아(Brunfelsia) 종류(2)
학명: Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schltdl.) Benth.
학명 이명:
Brunfelsia calycina Benth.
(* 인천대공원 온실에서는 이 학명으로 소개하고 있다)
Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina (Benth.) J. A. Schmidt
분류: 가지과(Solanaceae)
원산지: 브라질
영어 별명: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow / Kiss me Quick / Lady of the Night
* 위의 영어 별명은 위의 종만 이렇게 부르는 것이 아니고 색깔이 변하는 브룬펠시아 다른 종들도 똑같이 부른다.
사진: 인천수목원
아래: 2020.04.02 창동
아래: 2021.05.08 도봉구 초안산근린공원
어래 : 2022.03.31 부천무릉도원수목원
Brunfelsia hopeana (Hook.) Benth.라고 소개되어 있는데 이는 Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl) D.Don의 synonym이다
아래 : 2023.03.04 광릉수목원
표지판에 Brunfelsia uniflora로 되어 있다
Brunfelsia pauciflora is a species of plant native to the woodlands of Brazil, and cultivated for its flowers. It is most common between central and sub-tropical America, and is also popular in southern Africa, where it is known as the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant. This is because the small, fragrant flowers open a deep mauve, change to lavender and finally fade to white, giving a beautiful display of different colours concurrently.
It is evergreen and grows best in warm, frost-free acid conditions alongside plants such as azaleas or hydrangeas, out of full sun. It is considered half-hardy and grows up to 2.5 m high
출처: 영어 위키
브룬펠시아는 전 세계적으로 약 40종이 있다. 위에 소개한 종이 정확히 어떤 종인지는 확실히 알 수는 없다. 아래 위키가 소개하고 있는 대표적인 품종들 중 *한 것이 우리나라에 비교적 많이 알려진 종들인 듯 싶다.
* Brunfelsia americana
* Brunfelsia australis
Brunfelsia chiri
Brunfelsia densifolia
Brunfelsia grandiflora
Brunfelsia latifolia
Brunfelsia nitida
* Brunfelsia pauciflora
Brunfelsia splendida
* Brunfelsia uniflora
Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl) D.Don
Unique Features of Brunfelsia uniflora
Brunfelsia uniflora, also known as the Night Lady or Manaca, is a captivating plant with distinctive characteristics that set it apart in any garden or landscape. Let’s delve into its appearance and blooming pattern to understand why it’s such a remarkable addition to your green space.
Description of the Plant’s Appearance:
Brunfelsia uniflora is an evergreen shrub that can reach heights of up to 6 feet.
It boasts glossy, dark green leaves that serve as a beautiful backdrop for its exquisite flowers.
The elongated, lance-shaped leaves give the plant an elegant and graceful appearance.
One standout feature of this plant is its ability to change leaf color throughout the year. In colder months, the leaves may take on hues of purple or bronze, adding visual interest.
Explanation of Its Unique Blooming Pattern:
What distinguishes Brunfelsia uniflora from other plants is its enchanting blooming pattern.
The flowers start off as white buds and gradually transition into shades of lavender or purple over time.
Each flower only lasts for one day but emits a captivating fragrance during the night when most pollinators are active.
This nocturnal blooming habit adds an element of mystery and allure to your garden.
Brunfelsia uniflora 꽃
출처 : 영어 Wikipedia
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