
설강화(설강화와 은방울수선 비교)

대효0617 2014. 3. 15. 00:21
비교 은방울수선


학명: Galanthus nivalis L.

분류: 수선화과(Amaryllidaceae)

학명 풀이:

Galanthus: From the Greek gala (milk) and anthos (flower); referring to the color and shape of the flower

nivalis: Growing in or near snow, or referring to the white color

영명: snowdrop

국내 유통명: 설강화(雪降花)



사진: 2014.03.14 천리포수목원






















아래: 2019.03.07 천리포수목원















아래 : 2022.03.10 물향기수목원






아래 : 2023.03.21 물향기수목원





설강화는 외화피가 내화피보다 뚜렷하게 길다. 은방울수선은 외화피와 내화피  크기가 비슷하다. 

설강화는 내회피 선단에만 녹색 반점이 있고 은방울수선은 외회피, 내화피 선단 모두에 녹색 반점이 있다













영어 위키 설명


Galanthus nivalis grows to around 7–15 cm tall, flowering between January and April in the northern temperate zone (January–May in the wild). They are perennial, herbaceous plants which grow from bulbs. Each bulb generally produces two linear, or very narrowly lanceolate, greyish-green leaves and an erect, leafless scape (flowering stalk), which bears at the top a pair of bract-like spathe valves joined by a papery membrane. From between them emerges a solitary, pendulous, bell-shaped white flower, held on a slender pedicel.


The flower consists of six tepals, also referred to as segments. The outer three are larger and more convex than the inner ones. The inner flower segments are usually marked on their outer surface with a green, or greenish-yellow, V or U-shaped mark (sometimes described as "bridge-shaped") over the small "sinus" (notch) at the tip of each tepal. The inner surface has a faint green mark covering all or most of it. Occasionally plants are found with green markings on the outer surface of the outer tepals.


The six long, pointed anthers open by pores or short slits. The ovary is three-celled, ripening into a three-celled capsule. Each whitish seed has a small, fleshy tail (the elaiosome) containing substances attractive to ants which distribute the seeds. The leaves die back a few weeks after the flowers have faded.


설명 출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galanthus_nivalis



수선화과(Amaryllidaceae) 설강화
Galanthus nivalis L.
Leucojum aestivum L.
화서 화경 정상에 한 개씩 핀다(고생) 산형화서
화피(6장)와 반점 외화피 3장이
내화피보다 뚜렷하게 크다
외화피와 내화피  크기가 비슷하디
  내화피에만 녹색 반점 회피 선단 모두에 녹색 반점이 있디
화경   날개가 있다
개화기 1-4월  mid-spring or late winter 
common name snowbell (summer) snowflake

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