
나도사프란(크로커스와 나도사프란 비교)

대효0617 2012. 12. 8. 20:47






나도사프란(크로커스와 나도사프란 비교)


크로커스(통칭: 사프란)




학명: Zephyranthes carinata Herb.

분류: 수선화과(Amaryllidaceae)

학명 풀이:

Zephyranthes: Flower of the west wind

carinata: keeled(용골이 있는) 국명: 나도사프란

영명: (Rosepink) zephyr lily/ (Pink) rain lily / Fairy Lily

원산지: 중아아메리카



사진 : 2022.08.12 양수리



크로커스(사프란)와 나도사프란 비교


Crocus spp.
Zephyranthes carinata

소속 붓꽃과 수선화과
수술 개수 3 6
암술 머리 3개 이상, 어수선하게 갈라진다 3개, 깔끔하게 갈라진다
엽신 좀 단단한 느낌이고 보통 흰 중맥이 있다 부추 잎처럼 부드럽다 






사진 출처:









사진 출처:




설명: wikipededia


Zephyranthes carinata, commonly known as the rosepink zephyr lily or pink rain lily, is a perennial flowering plant native to Central America. They have with large bright pink flowers, around 10 cm (3.9 in), and green strap-like leaves. They are found naturally in moist, open areas, often near woodlands.


Like other rain lilies, their common name refers to their habit of blooming soon after a heavy rainfall. They are widely grown in gardens as annuals and as container plants, although they will overwinter in warm climates.


Zephyranthes carinata are often incorrectly referred to as Zephyranthes grandiflora, especially in horticulture.


Z. carinata grow from tunicate globular bulbs 2 to 3 cm (0.79 to 1.2 in) in diameter. The tunics are wine-red in color. Four to six linear and flattened leaves are produced by each bulb. Each is 15 to 30 cm (5.9 to 12 in) long and 6 to 8 cm (2.4 to 3.1 in) wide, reddish at the bases and bright green for the rest of their lengths.[2][4][5]


The funnel-shaped flowers are solitary, with pink to rose red perianths. They are borne erect or slightly inclined on scapes 10 to 15 cm (3.9 to 5.9 in) long. The deep lilac to purplish spathes are 25 to 30 mm (0.98 to 1.2 in) long. There are two lengths of the stamen filaments - 15 mm (0.59 in) and 21 mm (0.83 in). The anthers are 6 mm (0.24 in) in length. The style is filiform.[2][6]


The flowers develop into more or less spherical or three-lobed capsules. The seeds are shiny black and flattened.[5]


설명 출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosepink_magic_lily


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