나도사프란(크로커스와 나도사프란 비교)
크로커스(통칭: 사프란)
제주도에서 길옆에 자라고 있는 것을 찍었다. 누가 버린 것이 죽지 않고 살아 있는 것 같다.
학명: Zephyranthes candida (Lindl.) Herb.
분류: 수선화과(Amaryllidaceae)
학명 풀이:
Zephyranthes: Flower of the west wind
Zephyrus-서풍; anthos - 꽃
candida: White, glittering
영명: Fairy Lily or White Rain Lily
국내 유통명: 흰꽃나도사프란, 실란
원산지: South America (Argentina)
국내 참조 사이트: http://cafe.daum.net/tgflower/LoTo/5302
사진 : 제주도
아래: 2017.09.15 제주도 외돌개
아래 : 2022.08.20 화성우리꽃식물원
Zephyranthes속 설명 참조 국내 사이트
국내에 알려진 Zephyranthes속 종들
1) Zephyranthes carinata Herb.= 이명 Zephyranthes grandiflora
국내유통명: 나도사프란
영명: Rosepink zephyrlily, Rosepink rain lily, Rosepink magic lily,
Pink magic lily or Pink rain lily
원산지: Central America and Mexico
꽃색: 핑크색
2) Zephyranthes citrina Baker
국내 유통명: -
영명: Yellow zephyrlily
원산지: Mexico
꽃색: 노란색
국내 참조 사이트: http://blog.daum.net/bae5411/15791604
3) Zephyranthes rosea Lindl.
국내 유통명: 부추난
영명: pink rain lily, Cuban zephyrlily
원산지: 쿠바
꽃색: 핑크색
꾹내 참조 사이트: http://blog.daum.net/hyeon-gyu/12379709
Zephyranthes 속 기타 종 참조 외국사이트
**** 속에 대한 설명:
전 세계적으로 71종이 있다.. 그 밖에도 교잡종과 원예종이 매우 많다. 이 속은 북미 원산이나 하와이, 인도네시아, 타일랜드 등에도 귀화되었다. 그 밖에 설명은 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zephyranthes 의 설명을 원문 그대로 싣는다.
These perennial bulbs (geophytes) are remarkable for the many ecological niches they tolerate (periodically wet soil to desert conditions), and have many ornamental characteristics worth preserving. Care should be taken with the plants since many of the parts, leaves, bulbs etc. are currently considered toxic. The genus has been evaluated for possible medicinal properties, and the biochemically toxic compounds are classed as alkaloids. (Kojima et al. 1997.)
Species in the genus which are listed in this article vary in morphology. Along with floral morphology, characteristics such as bulb size, bulb tunic color, and leaf morphology help identify individual species.
Foliage in the wild is often ephemeral, but under cultivation becomes more persistent. Leaf color ranges from the bright grassy green of Z. candida (shown in the photo) to rather broad glaucous colored foliage such as found in Z. drummondii. A few of the species have distinct bronze tints in the foliage when grown in bright light. Size of leaves in these species, ranges from dark green and tiny grassy leaves in species like Z. jonesi or Z. longifolia, to broader, glaucous leaves in species like Z. drummondii. Perhaps largest leaves of all is found on Z. lindleyana from Mexico, usually distributed as a cultivar called 'Horsetail Falls,' this species has handsome broad leaves almost like a Hippeastrum.
Flower color in the species ranges from white to yellow (various tints of this color from lemon to sulfur) and pink. Zephyranthes have erect flower stalks which support a flower that may be upward facing or slightly nodding. The funnel-shaped, flowers with six petals can be crocus shaped, but may also open flat such as in Z. jonesii or even reflex slightly.
The flowers of some species have a sweet, pleasant fragrance. Fragrance appears to be recessive in crosses, but there are a few species or hybrids, Z. drummondii (white), Z. morrisclintae (pink) and Z. jonesii (light yellow), that all carry the trait. At least 2 of these open their flowers at night and are attractive to nocturnal insects. The flowers typically last only for a day or two; but new flowers may appear in a succession of blooms, especially during humid or rainy weather.
Various members of the genus may bloom spring only or repeat and continue into autumn, often a few days after rainstorms thus one of the common names, rainlilies. Periods of synchronous bloom, which breeders have dubbed 'blitzes', are part of their ornamental value, but also times breeders exploit for the purpose of producing new hybrids. (Marta 2005)
Most species under cultivation will bloom without the naturally imposed drought and wet that occurs in nature. Greenhouse grown plants bloom very freely but cycle through periods of bloom. one of the longest blooming of all the species is Z. primulina which blooms from April until October. Although it is apomictic, it is a choice parent for crosses because of its rapid repeat flowering trait and long bloom season. Some other species such as Z. morrisclintae appear to bloom only in the spring season. Most of these species are easily propagated vegetatively via offsets or twin scaling. A few of them such a Z. clintae are slow to produce increase.
Unusual phenotypes can be preserved vegetatively. Sexual reproduction is via seed. The apomictic species freely set seed and faithfully reproduce the maternal phenotype. Sterility in hybrids can be problematic;reasons for this are mentioned below. Seed usually is best sown quickly after harvest, although short term storage can be successful. Maiden seedling can be brought into bloom for some of the hybrid in 8-12 after sowing in ideal conditions. This is great for doing necessary checks for apomixis.
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