

대효0617 2017. 8. 27. 05:05



갯실새삼(1) (비공개)


미국실새삼(1)(새삼 종류 비교표와 검색표)





학명 : Cuscuta chinensis Lam. 

분류 :  메꽃과(Convolvulaceae)



사진: 2017.08.25   화성





























아래: 2018.10.15  연천













아래: 2019.09.03 화성



















아래: 2019.09.03 화성










아래 : 2021..08.16 연천




아래 : 2023.09.14 연천 통현리






아래 : 2024.08.22 연천












Cuscuta chinensis Lamarck, Encycl. 2: 229. 1786.

菟丝子 tu si zi


Stems yellow, thin, ca. 1 mm in diam. Inflorescences lateral, compact cymose glomerules, few to many flowered, subsessile; bracts and bracteoles scalelike. Pedicel ca. 1 mm. Calyx cupular; sepals triangular, ca. 1.5 mm, apex obtuse, partly thickened. Corolla white, urceolate, ca. 3 mm; lobes persistent triangular-ovate, apex acute or obtuse, reflexed. Stamens inserted at throat; scales oblong, reaching stamens, long fimbriate. Ovary subglobose. Styles 2, equal or unequal in length; stigma globose. Capsule enclosed by withered corolla, globose, ca. 3 mm in diam., circumscissile. Seeds 2-4, pale brown, ovoid, ca. 1 mm, scabrous. 2n = 28, 56.

(생육지와 분포)

Fields, open mountain slopes, thickets, sandy beaches, often on plants of Fabaceae, Asteraceae, and Zygophyllaceae; 200-3000 m. Widespread in China [Afghanistan, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia, Sri Lanka; Africa, SW Asia, Australia].




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