(제주)백운풀과 긴두잎갈퀴(백운풀)
1. (제주) 백운풀
학명 : (제주백운풀) Hedyotis brachypoda (Candolle) Sivarajan & Biju, (FOC)
/(백운풀) Hedyotis diffusa Willd. (국생지)
* 요즘은 백운풀, 제주백운풀, 긴두잎갈퀴를 백운풀로 통합시키는 추세라고 한다.
분류 : Rubiaceae
국명 이명: 두잎갈퀴
사진: 2020.08.22 제주도 수산한못
FOC 설명
Hedyotis brachypoda (Candolle) Sivarajan & Biju, Taxon. 39: 672. 1990.
拟定经草 ni ding jing cao
(학명 이명)
Oldenlandia brachypoda Candolle, Prodr. 4: 424. 1830.
Slender herbs, annual, diffusely branched, to 50 cm tall; stems terete to slightly flattened, glabrous. Leaves sessile or subsessile; blade drying membranous, linear, narrowly elliptic, or narrowly spatulate, 7-36 × 1-4 mm, adaxially glabrous (sometimes appearing papillose due to collapsed, large epidermal cells) to scaberulous and usually shiny, abaxially glabrous and matte, base acute, margins usually revolute at least when dry, apex acute; secondary veins not evident; stipules fused to petiole bases, glabrous, truncate to broadly triangular, 0.8-2 mm, with 1-3 linear to setiform lobes 0.2-1 mm. Inflorescences pseudoaxillary, 1-flowered (2-flowered and fasciculate), glabrous, sessile or with peduncle to 3 mm, ebracteate. Flowers subsessile to shortly pedunculate, homostylous. Calyx glabrous; hypanthium portion globose, 1-1.2 mm; limb lobed essentially to base; lobes triangular, 1-1.5 mm. Corolla white, rotate, outside glabrous; tube 1-1.5 mm, glabrous at throat; lobes triangular, 1-1.5 mm. Anthers ca. 0.3 mm, exserted. Stigma ca. 0.8 mm, exserted. Fruit capsular, membranous to papery, compressed globose to subglobose or somewhat dicoccous, ca. 2.5 × 3-4 mm, loculicidally dehiscent through flattened top, peduncles to 8 mm; seeds ca. 20, dark brown, angled, deeply and thickly foveolate. Fl. and fr. (Feb-)Mar-Nov.
(생육지와 분포)
Paddy fields, ridges of farmlands, humid open fields; below 100-1500 m. Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan [Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia (Malacca), Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam].
(기타 설명)
The taxonomy of this and related species is complicated, and different authors have drawn very different conclusions (e.g., Sivarajan & Biju, loc. cit.: 665-674; Dutta & Deb, Taxon. Rev. Hedyotis. 2004). In particular, Hedyotis corymbosa, H. diffusa, and H. erecta Manilal & Sivarajan are related and have been variously circumscribed. Here, these species are circumscribed generally, though not completely, following Sivarajan and Biju (loc. cit.) and W. C. Ko (in FRPS 71(1): 72, 75. 1999).
전라 남도 백운산록 및 제주도에서 자란다.
습지 근처에 난다.
높이 10~30cm.
잎은 마주나기하며 양끝이 좁고 가장자리에 톱니가 없지만 거칠거칠하며 길이 1~3.5cm, 폭 1.5~3mm로서 주맥만이 나타난다.
꽃은 8-9월에 피고 지름 2mm정도로서 백색이거나 다소 붉은빛이 돌며 잎겨드랑이에 달리고 꽃자루는 길이 0-3mm이다. 꽃받침은 4개로 갈라지며 열편은 길이 1.5mm정도로서 뾰족하고 꽃부리는 4개로 갈라지며 열편은 판통과 길이가 비슷하다.
열매는 삭과로 둥글고 지름 5mm정도로서 꽃받침통 안에 들어 있으며 끝에 꽃받침열편이 남아 있고 종자에 능각이 있다.
높이 10-30cm이고 밑에서부터 가지가 갈라져서 옆으로 자라거나 곧추선다.
▶全草(전초)를 白花蛇舌草(백화사설초)라 하며 약용한다.
▶긴두잎백운풀 (var.longipes Nak.): 꽃자루가 열매보다 2-4배 길다.
백운산 밑에서 처음 발견했기 때문에 백운풀이라고 한다.
FOC 검색표
1. Stems glabrous; peduncles and/or pedicels to 3 mm in flower, to 8 mm in fruit.
................................................................................... H. brachypoda 제주백운풀
1. Stems puberulent and/or scaberulous; peduncles 4-20 mm.
.................................................................................... H. diffusa (백운풀, 긴두잎갈퀴)
2. 백운풀(긴두잎갈퀴)
학명 : (FOC) Hedyotis diffusa Willd.
/(국생지) Hedyotis diffusa var. longipes Nakai
분류 : Rubiaceae
사진: 2020.08.22 제주도 수산한못
아래 : 2023.10.19 동구릉
Hedyotis diffusa Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 1: 566. 1798.
白花蛇耳草 bai hua she er cao
(학명 이명)
Hedyotis herbacea Loureiro (1790), not Linnaeus (1753); Oldenlandia diffusa (Willdenow) Roxburgh; O. herbacea (Linnaeus) Roxburgh var. uniflora Bentham.
Slender herbs, annual, ascending to procumbent, to 50 cm tall; stems slightly flattened to terete or young stems sometimes 4-angled, sparsely to densely puberulent, scaberulous, or glabrescent to glabrous, similarly glabrous or pubescent on angles and to sides. Leaves sessile or subsessile; blade drying membranous, linear, narrowly elliptic, or narrowly oblanceolate, 1-4 × 0.1-0.4 cm, adaxially glabrous and smooth or often scaberulous near margins, abaxially glabrous to scaberulous, base acute, margins usually revolute at least when dry, apex acute; secondary veins not visible; stipules fused to petiole bases, triangular to truncate, 0.5-1.5 mm, glabrescent, acute to aristate or with 1-3 bristles 0.2-1 mm. Inflorescences axillary, 1-flowered or fasciculate and 2-flowered, glabrous, pedunculate; peduncles or pedicels 4-20 mm; bracts none or stipuliform, to 1 mm. Flowers pedicellate, apparently homostylous. Calyx glabrous; hypanthium portion subglobose, 1-1.2 mm; limb lobed essentially to base; lobes narrowly triangular, 1-2 mm, ciliolate. Corolla white, tubular, outside glabrous; tube 1.5-2.5 mm, glabrous inside; lobes ovate-oblong, 1.2-2 mm. Anthers ca. 0.8 mm, exserted. Stigma ca. 1.2 mm, exserted. Fruit capsular, compressed globose to oblate, 2-3 × 2-3 mm, sometimes somewhat dicoccous, membranous, glabrous, loculicidally dehiscent on flat to beaked top, beak rounded, to 0.5 mm, with peduncles elongating rapidly and markedly as fruit mature, to 20 mm; seeds ca. 20, dark brown, angled, deeply thickly foveolate. Fl. and fr. May-Oct.
(생육지와 분포)
Paddy fields, ridges of farmlands, humid open fields; sea level to 900 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand].
(기타 설명)
This species is very commonly collected in China. The taxonomy of this and related species is complicated, and different authors have drawn very different conclusions (e.g., Sivarajan & Biju, Taxon 39: 665-674. 1990; Dutta & Deb, Taxon. Rev. Hedyotis. 2004). In particular, Hedyotis brachypoda, H. corymbosa, and H. erecta are related and have been variously circumscribed. Here, these species are circumscribed generally, though not completely, following W. C. Ko (in FRPS 71(1): 72, 75. 1999) and Dutta and Deb.
백운산록 및 제주도에서 자란다.
습지 근처에서 자란다.
높이 10-30cm
잎은 마주나기하며 양끝에 좁고 가장자리에 톱니가 없지만 깔깔하며 길이 1-3.5cm, 폭 1.5-3mm로서 주맥만이 나타난다.
꽃은 8-9월에 피고 지름 2mm정도로서 백색이거나 다소 붉은빛이 돌며 잎겨드랑이에 달리고 꽃자루가 열매보다 2-4배정도 길다. 꽃받침은 4개로 갈라지며 열편은 길이 1.5mm정도로서 뾰족하고 꽃부리는 4개로 갈라지며 열편은 판통과 길이가 비슷하다.
삭과는 둥글고 지름 5mm정도로서 꽃받침통안에 들어 있으며 끝에 꽃받침 열편이 남아 있고 종자에 능각이 있다.
높이 10-30cm이고 밑에서부터 가지가 갈라져서 옆으로 자라거나 곧추선다.
▶백운풀 : 기본종
백운풀과 닮았으나, 꽃대가 열매보다 2~3배 길다.
3. 제주백운풀(백운풀)과 백운풀(긴두잎갈퀴) 사진 비교
두 사진 모두
상: 백운풀(긴두잎갈퀴) 하: 제주백운풀(백운풀)
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