참산부추(2)[부추속 종 검색표/이상태 검색집]
산달래(1)(Allium 종검색표/한국식물분류학회지 2021년 제51권 2호)
학명 : Allium macrostemon Bunge
분류 : Liliaceae
사진: 2020.06.23 강화도 덕산
수술, 암술은 화피보다 훨씬 길다
아래: 2021.06.17 인천 용유도
화피는 백색 또는 연한 홍색이다(FOC 담자색 또는 담홍색)
산달래는 꽃차례의 일부 또는 전부가 주아가 된다
주아도 몇 개의 조각으로 구성된듯하다
인경은 아구형
거의 전도에 나며 일본, 대만, 중국, 만주, 몽고, 우수리에 분포한다.
원야나 길가
잎은 2~9개이고 선형으로 길이 20~30cm, 나비 2~3mm이며 밑부분은 엽초로 되어 화경을 둘러싸고 밀랍분이 있으며 단면은 반원형으로 중공이고 표면에 홈이 있다.
꽃은 5∼6월에 백색 또는 연한 홍색으로 피고 화경 끝에 우상모양꽃차례로 달리며 꽃자루는 15~20mm이다. 화피편은 6개이고 난상 장 타원형으로 길이 4~6mm이며 수술과 암술대는 화피보다 몹시 길고 꽃차례중의 1부 또는 전부가 살눈으로 변한다. 화경은 곧추서며 높이 40~80cm이다.
열매는 삭과이다.
비늘줄기는 구형으로 지름 1.2~1.5cm이고 포지 끝에 새로운 비늘줄기가 생기며 백색 막질로 덮여 있다.
전초를 식용 및 약용.
고온기에 휴면한다.
Allium macrostemon Bunge, Enum. Pl. China Bor. 65. 1833.
薤白 xie bai
(학명 이명)
Allium chanetii H. Léveillé; A. grayi Regel; A. grayi var. chanetii (H. Léveillé) H. Léveillé; A. iatasen H. Léveillé; A. nereidum Hance; A. nipponicum Franchet & Savatier; A. ouensanense Nakai; A. uratense Franchet.
Bulb solitary, subglobose, 0.7--1.5(--2) cm in diam., usually with bulbels at base; tunic (인경의 외피) blackish, papery or membranous, entire. Leaves shorter than scape, 2--5 mm wide, semiterete or 3-angled-semiterete, abaxially strongly 1-angled, fistulose(관 모양의), adaxially channeled. Scape 30--70 cm, terete, covered with leaf sheaths for 1/4--1/3 its length. Spathe 2-valved, persistent. Umbel hemispheric to globose, densely many flowered, bearing bulblets and flowers or bulblets only. Pedicels subequal, 3--5 × as long as perianth, bracteolate. Perianth pale purple to pale red; segments oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, equal, 4--5.5 × 1.2--2 mm; inner ones usually shorter than outer. Filaments equal, 1/2 as long as to slightly shorter than perianth segments, connate and adnate to perianth segments, base triangular; inner ones ca. 1/2 as wide as outer at base. Ovary subglobose, with concave nectaries covered by hoodlike projections at base. Style exserted. Fl. and fr. May--Jul. 2 n = 16, 24, 32*, 40*, 48.
(생육지와 분포)
Hills, slopes, valleys, plains; near sea level to 1600 m (to 3000 m in Xizang and Yunnan). Throughout China except Hainan, Qinghai, and Xinjiang [Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia (Far East)].
Allium 종 검색표 [ 한국식물분류학회지 2021년 제51권 2호]
1. Herbs usually dioecious; rhizomes threadlike;
bulb tunics herringbone patterned*;
* 용어 참조
Herringbone pattern - Wikipedia
leaf blades with 1 row of vascular bundles in cross-section;
hyaline sheaths present; scapes slender;
inflorescences 1–3 flowered; inner tepals narrower than outer ones;
style trigonous; stigma 3-cleft; flowering late March to May
······························ A. monanthum 달래
1. Herbs hermaphroditic (monoecious); rhizomes non-threadlike;
bulb tunics smooth to reticulate; leaf blades usually with 2 rows of vascular bundles in cross-section;
hyaline sheaths absent; scapes not slender;
inflorescences more than 4 flowered; inner tepals not narrower than outer ones;
style terete; stigma smooth to capitate; flowering May to October.
2. Bulbs subglobose, with bulbels; inflorescences sometimes with bulbils
·························· A. macrostemon 산달래
2. Bulbs cylindrical to ovoid, without bulbels; inflorescences without bulbils.
3. Leaf blades oblong to oval, pseudo-petiolate at base;
pedicels angular;
ovary obconical, with 1 ovule per locule.
4. Leaf blade oval, apex obtuse to subrounded; perianth white
···························· A. ulleungense 울릉산마늘
4. Leaf blades oblong to elliptical, apex acute; perianth creamy white to pale yellow.
5. Leaf blades 2.5–6 cm wide; perianth pale yellow (2n = 16)
···························· A. microdictyon 산마늘
5. Leaf blades 5–10 cm wide; perianth creamy white (2n = 32)
··························· A. ochotense 울릉산마늘
* A. ochotense는 A. ulleungense로 개칭
3. Leaf blades linear, sessile at base; pedicels terete;
ovary ovoid, obovoid or ellipsoid, with 2 ovules per locule.
6. Ovary without hood-like appendages at base.
7. Bulb tunics fibrous, reticulate; perianth white; tepals mucronate at apex
··························· A. tuberosum 부추
7. Bulb tunics membraneous or papery, smooth; perianth pink to lilac; tepals obtuse to rounded at apex.
8. Rhizomes condensed, non-branched;
bulb tunics papery;
leaf blades angular to terete in cross-section; scapes erect before flowering.
9. Leaf blade minutely angular in cross-section; pedicels unequal
·························· A. anisopodium 실부추
9. Leaf blade terete in cross-section; pedicels subequal
··························· A. tenuissimum 애기실부추
8. Rhizomes clearly elongated, branched;
bulb tunics membranous;
leaf blades flat in cross-section; scapes drooping at the upper parts before flowering.
10. Leaf sheaths buried under ground;
perianth campanulate;
leaf blades leathery, lustrous,
inner tepals ovate-elliptical; inner filaments subulate.
11. Leaf blades 5–10 mm wide; scapes clearly flattened-winged in cross-section
··········...................................... A. spirale 참두메부추
11. Leaf blades 1.5–4 mm wide; scapes rhomboid to subterete in cross-section
·········....................................... A. spurium 각시두메부추
10. Leaf sheaths exposed above ground;
leaf blades fleshy, glaucous; perianth radially spreading,
inner tepals elliptical; inner filaments narrowly triangurlar or broadened up to middle part.
12. Leaf blades 2.5–4.5 mm wide;
scapes subterete in cross-section;
filaments non-exserted; inner filaments broadened up to ca. 2/3 in length;
flowering May to July (2n = 16)
···························· A. minus 좀부추
12. Leaf blades 5–13 mm wide;
scapes rhomboid in cross-section;
filaments exserted; inner filaments narrowly triangular;
flowering September to October (2n = 32)
···························· A. dumebuchum 두메부추(울릉도 자생)
* 종전의 두메부추 Allium senescens L. 과 구별
6. Ovary with hood-like appendages at base.
13. Bulb tunics fibrous, reticulate; inner filaments clearly 2–4-toothed.
14. Perianth blue to purple-blue
··························· A. stenodon (= A. baekdusanense)북수백산파
14. Perianth pale pink to reddish lilac.
15. Perianth radially spreading, pale pink; filaments clearly exserted (2n = 16)
························· A. koreanum 돌부추
15. Perianth campanulate, reddish lilac; filaments slightly exserted (2n = 32)
························ A. splendens 가는산부추
13. Bulb tunics papery or thinly leathery, smooth; inner filaments usually entire or rarely minutely 2-toothed.
16. Bulb tunics thinly leathery, reddish brown; perianth pale yellow; ovary ovoid
······················ A. condensatum 노랑부추
16. Bulb tunics papery, brown; perianth reddish pink to purple; ovary obovoid or elliptical.
17. Scapes hollow in cross-section;
perianth reddish pink; tepals equal, oblong-lanceolate, acute at apex;
ovary ellipsoid; filaments non-exserted; capsules ellipsoid;
seed elliptical, angular in cross-section; flowering July to August
································· A. maximowiczii 산파
17. Scapes solid in cross-section;
perianth purple; tepals unequal, elliptical to oval, obtuse to rounded at apex;
ovary obovoid; filaments exserted; capsules cordiform; seed oval, flat in cross-section;
flowering September to October.
18. Perianth semi-radially spreading
·································· A. taquetii 한라부추
18. Perianth campanulate.
19. Leaf blades spreading, terete in cross-section, 19–80.5 cm long,
tinged red at base
···························· A. linearifolium 선부추
19. Leaf blades ascending to curved, flat, angular or terete in cross-section, 10–50 cm long,
pale green at base.
20. Leaf blades leathery, lustrous, clearly flat in cross-section;
scapes usually lateral from bulbs
····························· A. pseudojaponicum 갯부추
20. Leaf blades thinly leathery to papery, non-lustrous, flat, angular or terete in cross-section;
scapes terminal from bulbs
·························· A. thunbergii 산부추
기타 참고 사이트
Flower morphology of Allium (Amaryllidaceae) and its systematic significance - ScienceDirect
한라부추 유형 꽃 구조 펌 자료
위 검색표에 실려 있지 않은 국생지 등재종들
강부추 Allium longistylum Baker
두메부추 Allium senescens L.
둥근산부추 Allium thunbergii var. teretifolium H.J.Choi & B.U.Oh
세모부추 Allium deltoidefistulosum S.O.Yu, W.T.Lee & S.T.Lee
세모산부추 Allium thunbergii var. deltoides (S.O.Yu & al.) H.J.Choi & B.U.Oh
양파 Allium cepa L.
조선마늘 Allium scorodorpasum var. multibillosum Y.N.Lee
참산부추 llium sacculiferum Maxim.
털실부추 Allium anisopodium var. zimmermannianum (Gilg) Wang & Tang
파 Allium fistulosum L.
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