2023/05 112


한국앉은부채(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7807795 애기앉은부채(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809837 애기앉은부채(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815148 한국앉은부채(비공개자료) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7813155 학명: Symplocarpus nipponicus Makino 분류: 천남성과(Araceae) 학명 풀이: 학명풀이: Symplocarpus: 그리스어 symploke (combination) , karpos (fruit) 자방이 합쳐져 열매가 되는 것을 가리킴 일어명: ヒメザゼンソウ 사진: 2023.04.30 선자령

천남성과 2023.05.13


현호색(6) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815145 현호색(5)(분홍색) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7810396 현호색(4) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809313 현호색(3) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809297 현호색(2)(연구대상) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7807980 현호색(1)(현호색과 왜현호색의 비교) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7807960 무슨 현호색일까? https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7808573 현호색 열매와 씨 https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809337 학명: Corydalis ..


노루삼(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7808590 노루삼(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815202 촛대승마(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7808829 촛대승마(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815143 학명: Cimicifuga simplex (DC.) Turcz./(신) Actaea simplex (DC.) Wormsk. ex Prantl 분류: 미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 학명 풀이: Cimicifuga: From the Latin cimex (bug) and fugo (repel), referring to its use as a bug repellant simplex: S..

쥐손이풀(2)(쥐손이풀/이질풀/세잎쥐손이 잎 비교)

이질풀(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809805 이질풀(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815067 쥐손이풀 (1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815036 쥐손이풀(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815142 세잎쥐손이(1)(검색표) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809613 세잎쥐손이(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7813939 큰세잎쥐손이(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7810522 큰세잎쥐손이(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809832 학명 : Geranium sibiricum L. 분..

쥐손이풀과 2023.05.09


나도옥잠화(1)https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7808575나도옥잠화(2)https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815141옥잠난초https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7808056   학명: Clintonia udensis Trautv. & C.A.Mey.분류: 백합과(Liliaceae)학명 풀이:Clintonia : De Witt Clinton, 19th century naturalist and governor of New Yorkudensis: From the River Uda, or the Uden district of Siberia동속식물: -   사진 : 2023.04.20 여주 황학산수목원    ..

백합과 2023.05.09


섬남성(1)https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7809986섬남성(2)https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815140무늬천남성 (천남성속 검색표)https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7810429 학명: Arisaema takesimense Nakai분류: 천남성과(Araceae) 학명 풀이:Arisaema : Named refers to the plant's resemblance to the Arum family and haima (blood); referring to some species b0earing red blotches0takesimense: 독도의  사진  : 2023.04.20 여주황학산수목원      아래 : 2024.04.11 여주 황학..

천남성과 2023.05.09


주름제비란(1) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7810000 주름제비란(2) https://daehyo49.tistory.com/7815139 학명: Gymnadenia camtschatica (Cham.) Miyabe & Kudo 분류: 난초과(Orchidaceae) 학명 풀이: Gymnadenia : Naked gland 일어명: ノビネチリ 국명이명: 노랑난초 사진 : 2023.04.20 여주 황학산수목원 동속식물 구름병아리난초 Gymnadenia cucullata (L.) Rich. 손바닥난초 Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.A.Br 점박이구름병아리난초 Gymnadenia cucullata var. variegata Y.N.Lee 주름제비란 Gymnadenia ..

난초과 2023.05.09